Jesus - The man who Uprooted the World

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An uncomfortable truth is better than a blissful lie. A comforting lie is way more deadly than a dangerous truth.

The big truth is, Jesus was dangerous. He was powerful. He was passionate about God and He never told a lie.
"The truth will set you free."

Many people these days believe that Jesus was The son of God - which is good ! He was.
Unfortunately, the issue is that He is
spread ONLY as a gentle timid person whom spread nothing but love, tolerance and happiness.
They think He will forgive everyone.
They make no effort to get to know Him.

He was gentle and loving to everyone. He gave up his life for everyone past, present and future - but His words were never sugarcoated to falsely comfort those in power, politically, economically, religiously or socially. To these people, He was a dangerous man who totally threatened the 'status quo.'
He was less than tolerant to those who declared thier own righteousness and he was even less tolerant to those who preached that good is evil and evil is good.

Jesus Himself states that EVERYONE has fallen short of God, in other words "There are none righteous."

Jesus also states " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

"I did not come to call the righteous..." this seems like a contradiction to the earlier verse I just mentioned. But what He was saying was an answer to the Pharisees and their scribes whom complained to Jesus' disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?"

He was telling them "I have not come to call (those who call themselves) righteous."

To understand why He said this, it's because those who claim and believe that they are righteous will not repent, how can you repent of something if you don't believe you are wrong?

If He did not come, then there would have been no solution to the separation between man and God. There would be no answer to the condemnation that we would have all found ourselves in. We would have all been eternally separated from the father by our own choices and actions . There would be no remission of sins and that is a truly terrifying thought.

Naturally, the thing about self-righteousness, it's a form of pride, we all want to believe we are good people, and the only way we can do this is by defining morality by an emotional and subjective stance.
"This feels right.. so it is"
"I like this, so it is good"
"There is a special place in hell for people who eat pineapple on pizza."

That last one is ALMOST satirical, I say almost because the more we grow closer to God through a relationship with His Son, the more we see that every word is important, every word will be accounted for. There will be those who see it as harmless and I'm sure the intention of the person was harmless, yet the words have been spoken. A judgement has been made, a person is wrong because they have chose to like something that I don't like,
This is an extreme version of morality when it becomes subjective.
"I don't like pineapple on pizza. Hence, it is a bad thing."

And this is what self-righteous people do, "Thank God I'm not like that person, thank God I'm not a criminal..."

Well actually, maybe by society you are not a criminal, or maybe you are but haven't been caught.. downloading pirated movies and music? Lying ? Cheating? Wanting to steal someone else's partner? Even slandering someone else is a "Murder of thier Identity."

Maybe you thought they deserved it, or maybe you thought it wasn't harming anybody, but that is just moral justification. We have broke the law of love and so by the standards of that law - we are all criminals. By the law of justice a price needs to be paid, but by mercy the price has already been paid for those who believe in Him.

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