"Get out. We're done here." Harry smirked before turning and leaving the dungeons.

"Mission accomplished," he said gleefully, hearing the clicks that connected him to Ron and Hermione.

"Did everything go to plan?" Hermione asked.

"What plan?" Harry asked, switching to mental communication as he reached parts of the castle with portraits. He heard Ron sigh.

"Did everything work out at least?" Ron asked.

"Perfectly. I even got to threaten him a bit," Harry replied happily. Honestly, he probably found way too much joy from threatening people, especially Snape; he blamed that on who his father was.

The next few weeks passed quickly and the group all managed to sneak out of the school to Potter Manor where they celebrated Beltane together, since they celebrated every holiday together there throughout the year; Mabon – the autumn equinox – in September; Samhain - the celebration of ancestors - in October; the festival of Hecate Trivia – honouring the goddess of magic, Lady Magic – in November; Yule – the winter equinox – in December; Imbolc – the celebration of Brigid, the goddess of life, healing, and the sun – in February; Ostara – the spring equinox – in March; Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility – in May; Litha – the summer solstice – in June; and Lughnasadh – the celebration of harvest – in August.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, George, and Fred had all had to drop back on the number of things they were looking into and working on as they were slammed with homework during the Easter holidays, since they were in their fifth and seventh years, which were big exam years. That meant that, even though Luna and Ginny had picked up some of the work they had been doing, a lot of their work was put on hold. Especially since they had been trying to drop back on time turner use, using the one turner they had between all of them had stretched the turner to its limits, and they didn't want to overstretch their cores by using it too much in the lead up to the exams.

About a week and a half after the holidays had ended, Fred and George made a spectacular exit from the castle, leaving a swamp covering half a floor and flying out on their brooms in front of basically the whole school. Harry had then used the chaos, mayhem, and confusion from the aftermath of their exit as cover to leave the school without having to turn back and without being missed so Hadrian could visit Slytherin Manor, to see his father and pass on one of the communication mirrors that Mayhem and Chaos had finished right after the holidays to him. It was safe to say his father had been impressed by it.

The mirror that his father now had was connected to three mirrors; one that Harry kept on his person, one that was kept in the Chamber in case he couldn't answer his mirror, since one of them could often be found working in the Chamber, and one that the twins kept in their shop in case none of them at school could answer. All his father had to do was say either his name or his guise towards the mirror, and it would activate his. If he didn't answer the mirror in ten seconds, the call would be redirected so it was on the mirror in the Chamber, and if that wasn't answered in another ten seconds, it would be sent to the one that the twins had. If Harry or someone in the Chamber was able to answer after it had been rerouted, the other mirrors would stop, and the call would be on the mirror it was answered on. And if Harry came available after a different mirror had been answered, then the call could be switched to his mirror after he contacted whoever had answered the call for him.

"Where did you find them?" his father asked after he had explained what the mirror was and that he may have to wait a few moments for an answer, depending on the situation.

"Chaos and Mayhem, our two prime inventors, created them. They had a base design for two-way mirrors and edited that design and changed things around to make it better suit our needs," Hadrian replied. His father turned the mirror over in his hands.

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