“I will never understand that. I want you to feel love and cherished Niall. If I couldn’t make you feel that way, what good would I be? I’m not even real and you’ve given me your love. Those other guys are blinded to look you over because you’re so wonderful. I wish I could be what you deserve but you don’t owe me, Niall.”

I place my forehead against the steering wheel trying not to fall apart.

A few weeks ago I definitely would not have pictured things this way. Was it so long ago that a humongous crate was dropped on my doorstep? I didn’t anticipate falling in love. Yet, how could I not when I’m the one that’s made him all that he is? Everything that Harry is…is there to please me. All of his talents and even his opinions. He’s not his own person.

“Come on.” I unlatch my seatbelt with determination.

-Harry’s Point of View-

It’s almost as if I recall being in this factory. I was made here so it would make sense I suppose.

I can feel Niall’s pulse as he grips my hand. His blue eyes are bright with purpose.

We make our way silently through the side of the building where there’s clear class double-doors. Inside it looks very minimalist and office-like. More like a doctor’s office rather than a sex doll factory.

A young pretty brunette receptionist looks up at us.

“Hi there, how can I help you?” She asks cheerily.

Niall doesn’t even crack a smile.

“I need to talk to…an engineer, your most skilled one.” Niall demands.

“I don’t think I can-“ The girl begins.

“Please? It would mean an awful lot to us.” I plead.

“It’s just very busy at the moment with the holidays in full swing.” She says blushing furiously at me.

“We’ll talk to someone with or without your help.” Niall says through his teeth.

The girl’s eyes scan her desk as she thinks. In the end, she sighs and picks up the phone to dial some extension. I give Niall’s hand a gentle squeeze and his lip quirks up at the corner.

“Robert Stanley will see you in a moment.” The girl says.

We wait idly and I watch Niall chew on his lower lip anxiously. I don’t know what to feel at the moment. What is there left to feel? I just want things to work out. I want Niall to be happy no matter what. I count the tiles on the ceiling. That comes to 1,844 tiles.

“Robert Stanley will see you now.” The girl says after a few minutes.

Niall jumps to his feet quickly.

“He’s on the 8th floor and down the right hall in room 255.” She instructs pointing at the elevator outside the small waiting room.

Niall pulls me out and I manage to give the girl a quick thanks before we’re out in the empty hall.

Inside the elevator things are silent.

“Niall?” I ask as he pushes the 8th floor button.

“Yeah?” He clears his throat.

“Are you alright?” I question.

He looks at me with an indecipherable expression.

“I dunno.” He answers.

The doors open and I lead us through the hall to the designated room. Without a knock or warning we enter the room.

Inside it looks like a cross between a meeting room and lab. There are things hanging from wires on the ceiling and countless boards with ideas and such on them. There’s a long rectangular table in the center of the room that’s covered with papers and blue prints.

Coin-Operated Boy (Narry)Where stories live. Discover now