Before Age of Ultron

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Autumn's P.O.V

I was walking along the good streets of beautiful New York City when I took the a seat at an outside table of a resturant with 2 guys.

"You know Steve, dropping heli-carriers in Washington D.C and being arrested on live TV, your pulling a real Tony Stark move there."

"Yeah, I've been busy. This is Sam Wilson by the way."  Steve said as I shook Sam's hand.

"Former Air Force Paratrooper, Special Forces, also known as the "Falcon." I said.

"You know your people Ms. Stark." Sam said.

"Please, call me Autumn and I like to do my homework on people Steve makes friends with. If Steve trust you, I trust you." I said as Sam and Steve smiled. "So Steve why the secrecy, what can I help you with?"

"What's said here has to stay between us. Shield became compromised and was being taken over by Hydra. That's why Sam and I were in D.C, we needed to take it all down. If Shield fell then Hydra would fall with it. While we were there, there was this super soldier and."

"We're looking for someone." Sam said as he handed me an envelope. "And I here your pretty good at finding people."

I opened envelope and found a file with one name on it. 

"James Buchanan Barnes, a.k.a The Winter Soldier one of hydras best and deadliest assassins. Steve is this the same James Barnes I'm thinking of."

"It is. I thought he was gone Autumn, I saw him fall from that train. I went to his funeral, I grieved and I missed him everyday. Until D.C when I saw his face, Hydra did something terrible to him, its like he has no memory like he's programmed but when I fell from that heli-carrier. He pulled me out of the water. Some part of him remembered me."

"Is this file everything that you have on him?"


"I can try my best here Steve, but  with him being hidden all these years and no one could trace him, I don't know how much help I can be for you guys."

"We believe in you." Steve said looking at Sam.

"I've seen you kid, your one hell of a fighter and from what Steve has told me. I would put all my cards on you too." Sam said.

I gave Steve back the file as we stood up, "Keep this Steve, I'm sure I've got files on him back at the house when Grandpa helped you."

"Thank you." He said as I gave him a hug

"It's been a while Steve, I've missed you." I said. I looked over at Sam and shook his hand. "It was nice meeting you Sam, I look forward to seeing you soon too."

We all nodded at each other and went our separate ways. Each having our own tasks to work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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