Chapter 1

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I woke up to one of my older brothers shaking me, "Y/N, Y/N! GET UP!" he yelled louder as he tried to get me out of bed. "GET OFF ME." I snapped pushing him off me, "Then get up." He replied as he rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed. 

After I get dressed I lugged my giant duffle bag out of my room and brought it to the car, after I came back inside I opened the pantry taking out a box of pop tarts. I opened a two pack and placed one in my mouth taking a big bight, I watched as my brothers franticly ran around the house trying to get everything ready for me to leave. 

My little brother Kyle sat beside me at the table telling me about everything he wanted to do in the last week before school started again, my eldest brother Ben rushed into the house from taking care of the cows. "Say goodbye to Baba and Geido we are about to leave or you'll be late for your flight!" He yelled before going back outside, slamming the door behind him. 

He wasn't happy I was leaving, "YOU ARE JUST LIKE NOAH LEAVING YOUR FAMILY." He yelled when he found out and those words have hunted me ever since, I know he didn't mean it but Noah left us when it got hard im leaving because I want to play sports. 

My Geido walked up to me and I wrapped my arms around him slightly digging my head into his shoulder, "Love you kiddo." He said before pulling away, "Love you too Geido." I replied with a slight smile. I walked out of the house and over to the garden where my Baba was, I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

"Bye Baba." I said with a smile as tears filled my eyes. "love you." "Love you too." I replied before pulling away from the hug slightly smiling and walking to my brothers truck, I got in the back sitting in the middle seat Jackson sitting to my right and Kyle sitting to my left. Jackson was happy for me knowing it would be good for me to have a fresh start at a new school but he is also very negative and thinks its stupid so I don't really know how he feels. 

The long 2 hour drive to the airport went by too fast, Ben seemed to be annoyed but put it behind him knowing I would not call him. Kyle talked the intire time about who knows what and Jackson complained about Kyle talking the entire time. 

We got to the airport and they all followed me threw the airport until they couldn't anymore, no one said a thing until we stoped. "I love you guys." I said as tears started streaming down my face, I walked through the gate tears streaming down my face faster and faster knowing I wouldn't see them until thanks giving. 

I walked onto the plane and found my seat, I sat down in my seat. I put my walkman on and rested my head on the wall of the plane looking out the window, I waited until the plane took off until I feel asleep for most of the 10 hour flight. 

I woke up to the flight attendant, she was talking on the speakers saying that they would be landing in about 10 minutes. I stared out the window watching the rain wondering how my new  team will be, and if they will be like my old team, who despise me for being the only one who was offered a scholarship and also accepting it. The plane landed and everyone slowly exited the plane.

When I finally got off the plane I went to grab my bags and was confused when I could not find them, I then walked around panicking until a man walked up to me and taped me on the shoulder, I slightly jumped at the touch and the man said "sorry to startle you but are you Y/N?'' I looked at him confused and hesitantly replied "yes." The man then pointed to a group of kids and my bags. I sighed with relief as I walked over to my bags, I opened the top bag and reached in. I slightly brought out a red shirt just enough that I could see that it was still there, I then again, sigh in relief pushing it back in the bag and zipping it back up.

I had not looked at anyone's faces. All I was worried about was the shirt. After that I just took a deep breath and slowly looked up at the man who walked over to the group of kids and me. He counted everyone, then everyone followed him to the bus, I put my stuff in the bottom of the bus and I then stepped on the bus, walked to the back and sat down. I looked out the window and watched the rain, drip down the window.


Geido means grandpa in Ukrainian if you don't know. And Baba means grandma.

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