[ Part 6: The "Canadian" boy ]

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"Aether, we're going home. Now." Lumine grabbed Aether by the neck, and tightened her grip around it, as if she was trying to choke him. Aether's face started turning different shades of purple as he squirmed around, trying to break himself free. 

While everyone was distracted, Bennett left the bathroom, then ran to Razor's room as fast as he could. All his tears dried up, luckily, but he still felt as if this wasn't the end of it. He could always go home now, Razor would probably understand. Bennett sat down on his bed, while packing his things. 

"Bennett? Going home already.?" Razor's head peered around the corner of the wall from where the doorway was. He seemed a little concerned.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just not feeling too good, hope you can understand hah!" Bennett nervously scratched the back of his head, trying to assure Razor that he was alright. "Why don't you go look after Aether? I'm sure he needs more help than me right now. Anyways bye!" And in the blink of an eye, Bennett was gone, heading home. 

Razor had heard what he said in the bathroom, he heard it all. He had known the real reason why Bennett left, but like the good friend he is, not wanting to make things awkward, he decided he would keep it a secret, for as long as he could. Even though it kinda bothered him. 

"Hey Razor, we're gonna meet with Kazuha today, wanna come? Its fine if you have any plans, but I don't really wanna be stuck with Aether, and have him embarrass me in front of our senior."

He didn't have much to do, now that Bennett was already gone, he would probably spend the rest of his day indoors. Like usual anyways. Razor shrugged, "Why not."

Kazuha was a pretty-boy, as their school said. He was intelligent, charming, and incredibly handsome. Almost every girl at the school swooned over him. Well- almost every girl. Lumine was one of the few who had no problems talking to him. Probably because she was a, "raging homosexual" as Aether said. 

Because Lisa had thought Bennett went home because of his constipation issues, this was a good time, since Bennett doesn't really like Kazuha. When they were freshman, and Kazuha was a junior, he constantly made fun of Bennett for his bad luck. Kazuha decided to leave him alone and not bother him anymore after some time, but Bennett still keeps the things he's said to him in mind. 

"ALRIGHT LETS GOOO!" Aether ran towards the front door, excited to meet his, "best buddy", although it was pretty clear that Kazuha..disliked Aether and wasn't on the best terms with him. Thats saying it nicely.

"...I think you're forgetting. I have to change." Razor pointed at his bedroom door. "Won't be long, promise."

"Alright Raz, don't break your promise though." 

After some time, they were in the city, sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for Kazuha's arrival.

"Why..why do you guys need to meet up with him anyways." Razor put his chin on his palm. 

Lumine sighed, "Long story short, Aether said some shit about him and Xiao, so now Kazuha's here to confront him. And hopefully not murder him while he's at it." 

Typical Aether. A loud-mouthed kid with barely any respect for anyone but himself. At least thats what other people thought. Razor had known him for a while, and knew he doesn't mean most of the things he says. It's not that he doesn't have respect for other people, its just because he doesn't have any respect for himself. 

There was a ring at the door of the cafe. A some-what tall boy with dove-white hair and a crimson red streak, walked to our table, and sat down. 

"Hello, Aether. What have you been doing for these past couple of days?" Kazuha's cold and upset tone changed the entire aura of the room. But of course, Aether knew how to change that.

"Wanna know what I'm doing?" Aether smirked.

Kazuha put his face in his palm and shook his head. "Yeah, thats what I just asked you."

It was silent for a moment. Everyone just looked at each other.

"I was busy doing...YOUR MOM!" Aether wheezed as he slammed his fists against the table, practically foaming at the mouth because he thought what he said was so genius.

Kazuha was clearly unamused. "She's in the hospital."

"Yeah, I put her there. Its what happens when you're Canadian. Stop pronouncing syrup weirdly and maybe I won't do your mom."

Kazuha gritted his teeth. "For the 100th time, I'm not Canadian."

Aether giggled, "So?"

"So what?" Kazuha was clearly loosing his patience, but still managed to look as elegant as ever. 

"SO MUCH NUT IN YO MOUTH, GOTTEM!" Aether almost fell off of the chair he was in. This was just too much fun.

"Aether if you don't take this seriously and apologize, I'll show the entire school what you did with Hu Tao." He glared at Aether.

"What'd I do with her though? I'm a good boy, I'd never do anything bad!" 

"I'll show the entire school how you were the one to write 'eat my pants old hag' on Mr. Lapis's desk. " 

Aether stayed quiet, which was rare. very rare. everyone exchanged looks. why didn't aether want to apologize? all he had to say was 'sorry', and thats all. everyone knew Kazuha would only want a sorry, as long as he was as far away from Aether as possible. 


Well, he took the suspension route, and there was nothing they could do about it.

a/n omgh its been forever since I've written something ummm have a good day/night everyone , as expected, this chapter isn't edited pls correct me on any msiatke anyways bye bye <3

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