yet again I bestow a dream upon Yee folk

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I had a dream last night

Also trigger warning, there's mentions of s3xu@l @ss#u!t and k*lling in the second segment

So basically I was in heaven despite the fact I'm atheist but anyway

There's a whole society in the clouds and it's great craic altogether

And we all go to this academy that is super fancy and looks like it was made by a master of arts

And there's this trouble maker named "Charlie" (let's just call him.that bc I forgot) and he's just an asshole

If I remember correctly he looked like an innocent little cherub with blonde hair and a baby-face despite being like 15

And he was out being reckless when all of a sudden he gets an idea

He decides to go to the state House to cause some trouble

So he just goes in because apparently in heaven the guarding system is shite

And he clicks this button inside one of the rooms that makes the whole world of heaven flip upside down and the universe just opens up into a black hole

Everyone is screaming and dangling off buildings in heaven and we all eventually fall off into the void because of fucking Charlie damello

And then there's another kinda sub-dream I had too, which was slightly connected to this dream

So basically I was in prison with a bunch of other people because idk I probably didn't do the dishes or something

So the officers were screaming at us making us do stuff until we finally got to sleep


And despite the fact there were no guards keeping us there we could have escaped but none of us did

Keep in mind we were all 14-15 year olds who were freezing and scared

And to make it worse, this guy in the forest that nobody knew was creeping closer to us threatening to s3xu@lly @ssau!t us and kill us, which still kinda terrifies me to think about

So that was terrifying, especially because in this dream I didn't know it wasn't a dream

But luckily none of us had anything happen to us because the prison warden called us at like 5 am to get up

I remember all of us girls had to go swimming so we went into the changing room and changed

And holy fuck I'm still shook by how disgusted this memory was

There was girls dropping period blood everywhere, even people pulling out their used tampons and propping them on the ground

I kinda wanted to vomit

But anyway, we went swimming which I just don't remember doing tbh

Also did I mention the prison and was an angel? So that's why there's a slight corolation to the other dream I had last night

After our swim he told us we.were gonna do phonics, which I was confused about, but was chill with

So we went into the phonics room of this place and he told us about our homework we apparently had been assigned to do the@q day@1 beforehand, despite never have done phonics before in this prison

The homework was to write a paragraph about one of the eight things he had talked about yesterday

We were all sweating so we just made it up as we went along

We finally made it through that awful experience and moved on

My sister asked the angel guard when we would be leaving

He said 2-3 days

I just remember my sister crying and me wanting to aswell (probably because of the creepy man in the forest that the guards didn't care about)

Then I woke up

I'm honestly kinda traumatized by this

Not in a jokey way, I'm currently hugging my arms wondering if there's a man that's out in my nearby forest that wants to.. you know

Why is it always the good dream's we forget and the bad dreams we remember

Anyway bye bye

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