9 - Luke

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(Changes POV a lot)

I woke up on the couch.

I realized I haven't seen Sierra since I told her to go bother the boys.
I get up and start to walk up the stairs and on my way up I look in the mirror.

I'm one hell of a hottie.

Haha I'm joking.

I took a shower last night but by that I mean crying the whole time and not paying attention to the soap still in my hair after I got out.
I go in my room and see Sierra passed out on my bed.

"I carried her upstairs because she was asleep"
I turn around and Michael is standing in the door way.
"I would have carried you up but your a tad bit bigger than her and I think I would have fell backwards"

I chuckle at his statement "well thank you"

"You seem like you have something on your mind"
My eyes grow wide at the thought of yesterday.

"Um ya" I say quietly "its uh a lot on my mind right now"

"How so" he sits on my bed and looks at me.

"Um can I tell you later" I swallow the bubble in my throat that's forming from thinking about everything.

He must have noticed I didn't want to talk about it right now because he gives me an apologetic look.

"Ya sorry" he comes over and puts I hand on my shoulder.

"You know you can trust me with anything right?"
I look him straight in the eye.

"I know I can" I slight smile creeps up on his lips.
He leaves the room and I lye down on my bed.

I have to tell him soon.
He deserves to know.
All the boys should know.

If things get worse I should find serious help.

I go and take a shower to get rid of my greasy head and clear my mind.


Pizza and coffee.
The two most heavenly things on earth.

I know plain cheese pizza with extra shredded on top doesn't exactly go well with black coffee but eh who cares.

Ashton comes into the kitchen and grabs a Gatorade out of the fridge.

"I can't find any of the boys so if you see them tell them I went to the gym"
He's dressed in basketball shorts and a muscle tee.

Damn he looks hot.

"Ok" I stare back at my pizza and take another bite.

Ashton's POV
She's always beautiful.
Even when her wet hair hangs down her back.

I've had a slight crush on Mia since the day I saw her.

She's nice to every one and very helpful around the house.

Me and they boys live here now so I see her everyday.
That brings me to my next topic.
Michael and Luke.
They've told me separately that they both like her.
A lot.
When Michael flirts with her I can see Luke tense and look away.
Michael on the other hand doesn't care what Luke does.
I've never told any of the boys about my silly little crush.
And I'm not planning too.

I don't talk to Mia much. Michaels been talking to her a lot lately.

She also has been acting weirder than normal like something happened and she's scared but doesn't want to show it.

She's responsible and knows how to take care of Sierra.
I love Sierra.
She runs around the house and plays like there's no tomorrow.

I don't even realize I'm at the gym already.
I guess I've been thinking while I've been driving not even paying attention.

This place always clears my mind and that's what I need right now.

Luke POV
A walk in the park always clears my mind.

Lately I've been thinking about Mia a lot.
Michael has been talking to her a lot and I haven't done much.
I know it sound like its some kind of competition but it's not.
I like Mia.
Michael like Mia.
But we have no idea who she likes.
She might not even like anyone because she just left her crazy ass ex boyfriend.

I know Michael likes her and is trying to make it obvious and he knows that I like her.

I want to do more with her and get to know her better.

Maybe I can do something for her.

I have no idea what. I'm gonna have to think on that.

I look up from where I'm walking and I see a group of guys ahead of me.

"Hey" one of them says. He has short brown hair and grey eyes. "Do you know a girl named Mia"

Is it him?
I don't know, I hope not.
Act cool Luke. Don't jump to conclusions.

"Uh maybe" I finally spit out.

"You might know her when I give you her last name. Mia Andrews"

My eyes go wide at the sound of hey name.
"Thought so. Boys"
Before I know it something goes over my head and I can't see anything.

I feel two pair of arm push me so I start to walk. I am shoved into something. Then we start to move.
I think we're in a van or truck.
"Uh what's going on"

"Just shut the fück up"
I keep my mouth shut because I don't know what they can do to me.

Michaels POV
"Dude that movie was so good" me and Calum went to go see a movie because we had nothing else to do today.

"I know and the part where they jumped of a cliff and somehow rolled down and didn't get hurt"
We start cracking up laughing and Calum almost crashes the car into a lamp post.

We pull in the driveway and walk to the house.

When were inside Mia runs up to us.
"Guys have you seen Luke he's been gone since 9 in the morning"
I check my phone and it was already 5 o'clock at night.

"Sorry I have no idea" I watch at the frown on her face deepens.

"I didn't even know he left. Did you try calling him" Calum pulls out his phone but Mia stopped him.

"I've called him and texted him like every 5 minutes and it either went straight to voice mail or said the text wasn't delivered"

"How about we go look for him" we all look up and see tori standing on the stairs. "We can all drive around different part of town and see if we can find him"

"Good idea. Calum go with Tori. Ashton can be with Mia and I'll just walk on foot since we only have 2 cars" everyone nods at my idea.

"Let me go grab Sierra and then we can go"
After she comes back down stairs we all head out the door and try to go find Luke.

Oooooh plot twist.
Make sure to tell your friends about this book.
Thanks byeeee

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