❤️‍🔥Scarlett x Dullahan ❤️‍🩹

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Scarlett x Dullahan Headcannons

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Scarlett x Dullahan Headcannons

- Scarlett asks Dullahan about how he likes his coffee and he picks the most complicated Answer.
- Dullahan's Voice actor will be Robert englund
- Scarletts voice would be Emma stone
- Dullahan Loves When Scarlett paints her Nails Red
- Scarlett hates when Dullahan Takes a shower with her.
- Dullahan doesn't like when Scarlett Goes somewhere without him
- Dullahan doesn't like Scarlett sleeping by herself
- Whenever Dullahan is feeling lonely he calls his Girlfriend
- Whenever Scarlett goes to a makeup shop, she HAS too buy black eyeshadow for Dullahan
- Dullahan always does morning kisses because he usually works in the afternoon ( most of the time )

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