Chapter 2 - Second Save

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"So. Where do you come from?"

Phoebus wriggled her toes in her shoes and basked in the sun on the large boulder she sat on.

The night before they had traveled for about a half hour before realizing it was no use wandering without knowing where to go.  The next day they tried again but still didn't know where they were or where the closest settlement was.

"Nowhere important," Phoebus replied.

"Mm. Okay."

Lyndee dug around in her side satchel. A glove slipped out and fell in the grass by the boulder Lyndee was perched on. Then a bottle made it's escape. A coin purse followed.

"What about you? Where's home for you?"

"Home is where the heart is."

Lyndee slid off her rock, stretching out her wings on either side of her. She retrieved her rogue items. And placed them back in her bag. She seemed to have given up the search and started eating an apple from her supplies.

Now that it wasn't nighttime it was easier to observe her. She had blue eyes that always seemed to be half closed in a lazy carefree kind of way. She wore a light blue long-sleeved tunic that came to her knees over dark blue leggings and an orange scarf. Her brown boots looked well worn.

Phoebus figured she sort of deserved the vague answer after her own but it still confused her. She quirked an eyebrow.

Lyndee looked up at her. "In other words I haven't found it yet."

"That still doesn't-."

She was cut off by a small squeal followed by a splash echoing through the forest.

The both of them paused and listened.

A few second later they heard more splashing and a choked "Help!"

Without thinking they abandoned their things and bolted towards the noise.

It wasn't far but it was still hard to get through the brush and then down a steep incline. The forest relented at the bottom and opened up to a lake. About thirty feet out from shore someone struggled to keep their head above water.

"Quick," Phoebus turned to Lyndee. "Fly out there and save them!"

Lyndee's relaxed eyelids widened. "I-I can't."

"What do you mean- Ugh, nevermind."

Phoebus kicked off her shoes and charged into the rippling water.

Phoebus tried to remain calm. Panic wasn't going to help anyone. The lake was murky so she was barely able to make out the kid slowly stop struggling and start to sink. She reached out her hand and kicked hard. Her lungs began to scream for air and she made a grab at him. His shirt caught in her nails and she began hauling him upwards.

Their heads broke the surface and Lyndee gasped with relief. Phoebus did her best to push the kid's head above the water and kicked to shore.

"Go get our stuff," Phoebus commanded as she dragged the small body onto the muddy bank.

Lyndee turned and her feet made quick crunching noises in the rocks as she disappeared into the trees.

Phoebus looked down and the kid and started performing CPR. But it wasn't working.

When Lyndee returned the kid was sitting upright, shaking and dripping. Phoebus knelt, wilted and soaked, watching him.

"Are you two okay?" Lyndee pulled a blanket out and carefully laid it on his shoulders.

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