Your Kidding Right?

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(it's going to be our pov but it's y/n out outfit is at the top)

Today I got up, brushed my teeth picked my school clothes and went downstairs to find my stupid twin brother Matteo, I literally don't understand him, he says part of me is attached to his arm because we were in my mom's belly together, he's 1 hour older than me and thinks he's the boss of me meaning he's so protective over me.

"hello there Mimi" said Matteo

"don't call me that cunt" I replied


Matteo smirked, since he's the favorite

"dad take your meds" I told my dad

"no" he simply said smacking his lips together

We have a huge mansion with a lot of helpers (cooks, cleaning ladies etc...)

"hey Liz!" I said to my favorite cleaning ladie

"hey hun" she replied and continued cleaning

"fuck Matteo we are going to be late" I told Matteo as I glanced at the clock

"oh shoot let's go" he replied as he took his car keys and gave them to me since I have my permit I'm allowed to drive.

As we got to school Matteo started talking about his soccer tournaments and how I needed to help him practice after school in the feild, o agreed only on Mondays cause all my friends have stuff.

"great see you there at 4:00" he said as we parted ways in the school hallways

"MIMI!" I heard someone yell

"GABRI" I yelled back as I turned around, my bestfriend Gabriel came running up to me, she and I  were literally like the movie clueless im Cher and she's dionne shes mixed and has THE BEST style were the popular duo.

"hey bitch" I said as I walked up to her

"hey" she winked at me as we got to our lockers, "Mia?" she questioned as she was waiting for me, "hm?" I replied "are you going to Johnny's party on Friday?"

"are you kidding me?"


"I don't know if I want to go or not"

"cmonnnnn it will be fun"

"fine" I replied

"yay" she giggled

"bye I have history with Mister creep"


As I walked into class I got stared down by everyone

"miss Green?" said our history teacher

I rolled my eyes and turned around

"yes?" I said a bit impatiently

"sit at the front sweetheart"

"don't call me that creep"

I said and sat at the back

"okay class let's start" he said

"blah blah blah blah blah"

"miss green?" he asked again and pointed at the board for me to answer a question

"right so the answer is..." I liked around for help and saw a guy drawing something on his pen then dropping it, I picked it up for him and read what he wrote "it is called the cold War" I replied as i gave the pen back, "right miss green stay after class" he said as he continued


When class ended I tried sneaking out but our teacher stopped me by grabbing my arm

"sit" he said and pointed at a table

I sat down "you were not paying attention"

"mhm" I said


"okay get out" he said

When I got our gab was infront if the door

"can we bail please"

"no I'm already failing" I said as I saw a new boy

"who's that?" I asked

"idk let's go talk to him" gab said

Wha- no-" I said but before I could go away she grabbed my hand and walked me over to him

"hi this is my best friend Mia aka mimi and she thinks your cute" she said enthusiastically

"heh I did not" I said

He looked at us confused

"anyways we have to go" I said pulling on gab

"what was that for" I said quietly

"he gives me big dick energy"

"Gabby Istg-"


After school I changed into sports clothes and waited for my brother, when he arrived his hole ass friend group was there

I walked closer to him so that we were walking next to each other "tf are they doing here?" I asked "they will watch don't worry." he replied "mkay, let's warm up" I made him do 50 jumping Jack's he made me do 50 push ups, I made him run around the court yard 5 times he made me do 50 pull ups

"k let's start" I said


"what- no"

All of them came down and I saw the new boy walking with them talking to someone.

"fuck, I'm leaving"

"noOoOoOoOoO" Matteo whined

"Matteo a girl can't even play let her leave" said one of his friends said

"stay and show them you can play"

I rolled my eyes and said "I'm captain one someone pick captain two"

"Leo" "Leo" "Leonardo" "Leo" "Dicaprio"

"whoever that is come stand here"

The boy we walked up to came and when I noticed I just looked away

"you pick first" I said


"you" I pointed at a blonde

"Richard" said Leo to the boy who said I can't play

We continued picking and then started playing

I stole the ball from Leo and tripped him on accident "sorry" I yelled and Richard tried taking the ball from me "it's fine you cunt" I whispered as I ran past him and made a goal.

I looked back and saw Leo walking back to the benches after we won "are you okay?" I asked "yeah I'm fine"

"there's a party at Johnny's on Friday" I said as I pointed at a guy named Johnny "and and my brother could pick you up"

"sure" he said and smiled

"MATTEO STOP BEEING A BABY I WANT 5 GUYS LETS GO" I shouted at him cause he was sitting on the floor cause he lost, he got up quickly knowing I don't have a good temper especially when I'm hungry

When we got to the car we started driving and got to 5 guys I for a large fries and he got a cheeseburger

"fuck dad's gonna kill us for being so late"

"kill you" he corrected cleaning his fingers

"ugh come on let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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