Dating Gally In The Glade Headcanons

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•So just pretend that all of the keepers have their own rooms,

•the specifics don't matter.

•Gally would definitely offer for you to share his room with him,

•but i know for a fact if you refused (for any reason except for feeling uncomfortable with it) he'd force you in there every night.

•Because he is not about to leave you outside, surrounded by a bunch of boys.

•He would always sit with you at meals, with one his arms around your waist.

•At first there were a few boys flirting with you,

•but they soon stopped after Gally knocked one of them out.

•He would be insanely protective,

•and would death stare anyone he didn't trust around you.

•He would put on this hard exterior all day, but as soon as he got in bed with you,

•it would fall right off.

•He only lets you see his soft side.

•You're probably the only one who even knows he has one.

•He'd stroke your hair and tell you all about his day.

•But he loves when you start telling him about your day, as well.

•He'd always make you lie face to face, whilst you talked,

•so he could stare at your beautiful face.

•He adores the sound of your voice, and finds it hard to stay awake to listen to you talk.

•He loves to give you neck kisses when you're in bed together.

•But when you're outside, he's a big fan of forehead kisses.

•They're very convenient for him, because you're tiny compared to him.

•So it's easier to reach your forehead.

•It doesn't matter whether you're tall for your age, because this man is a giant.

•Standing at what? 6'0

•He would so throw you over his shoulder and just walk away with you,

•when he wants more attention from you/alone time

•or is just flat out bored of the conversation/situation you were in.

•Whenever he sees you he has full on puppy dog eyes.

•No one would dare mention it though, because they'd definitely end up with the medjacks for it.

•He loves spooning,

•but when he's had a particularly bad day, he just wants to hold you against his chest,

•and wrap his arms around you as much as possible.

•He'd always wake up before you,

•and would press soft kisses into your skin as you sleep.

•He would organise his breaks so that they aligned with yours, so he could spend as much time with you as possible.

•Sometimes he'd just want to walk around the glade holding your hand.

•Or cuddle with you in your bed.

•But most often he'd drag deep into the deadheads, shove you up against a tree,

•and kiss your lips until they were bruised.

•He's not the biggest fan of PDA, but likes to either hold your hand or your waist.

•He'd also be okay with kissing your head/forehead.

•Because how else is everyone going to know your his?

•He'd save the real kissing for when you're hidden away from prying eyes.

•He definitely try to show off when he's fighting on bonfire nights,

•especially if he knows you're watching.

•This man is such a teddy bear, and would engulf you in hugs all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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