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Sophia followed closely behind Miranda as they travelled deep down into the depths of the village. In the corner of the village, they roamed into a tunnel not even the white-haired girl knew about. 

"Where are we going," she asked the blonde woman boldly, as they entered darkness. 

Miranda turned her head slightly at the sound of the soft voice and Sophia could picture the annoyed expression the woman surely wore, "You'll see." 

Sophia withheld a scoff, but wasn't afraid to roll her eyes since Mirandas back was to her. They ventured into a cave and it felt like they had just entered a new hemisphere. There was moisture in the air and all though it was cold outside, this was a different sort of cold. The ground had this goopy substance all over it and the same thing dripping from the ceiling. Sophia's face scrunched in disgust as she felt the squish underneath her feet and the liquid drop onto her bare arms. 

Miranda stopped so, Sophia did the same. In front of them, pulsating vines...or maybe tentacles covered a hole. With the wave of her hand, Miranda was able to untwine them, allowing the two to pass through. The crimson eyed girl watched over her shoulder as the vines moved back once they were inside with a sort of fascination and as she twisted her head back forward, an audible gasp left her lips. 

An organism, a very large organism in a sort of half moon shape. It could almost be mistaken for the shape of a fetus. It was almost identical to the Cadou. With her eyes wide and her mouth sightly agape, she stares at the ceiling where it hangs. She'd never seen it before, only been told about it by Miranda. 

The Megamycete. 

The source of Miranda's powers and her own. The sole reason for her existence. The very thing that gave this village life. 

Sophia started to slow down as she was unable to tear her eyes away from it but, Miranda, who was completely unbothered by it, noticed and hurried her along, "Keep up, Sophia." 

The immortal girl snapped out of her daze finding the blonde quite a bit ahead. She took one last look at the horrendous thing before picking up the front of her dress and running to catch up with Miranda. 

They ascended up a set of stone stairs into a dimly lit tunnel. Following the candles to a door which opened up into Mirandas makeshift lab. Sophia took her time walking in, while Miranda who was much more comfortable waltzed right in. 

Sophia's eyes wandered, noting the canvases that hung on the walls and glass containers filled with the Cadou sat on tables in the center of the room. Miranda stood across the way and looked up at the girl still standing awkwardly in the small entry way. 

"Sophia!" She snapped. 

The white-haired girl gave the woman her attention and she pointed her finger at a chair, "Sit." 

Sophia did as she was told and moved the the wooden stool, tucking her dress tightly underneath of her before sitting. 

"Now wha--" Sophia tried to talk but, Miranda stopped her from doing so.


The girls jaw clenched and she balled up her fist underneath the table. She was getting antsy, impatient. She wanted to know why Miranda dragged her down here in this musty room. Did she just want to keep her close incase Karl came after her. Or should she say, when he would come after her. 

Tired of the silence and secrets, Sophia slammed her hand on the table, "Tell me what's going on!" 

The blonde lifted only her eyes off whatever she was looking at on the surface in front of her, meeting Sophias. Her expression remained blank and she sighed, "Those flasks I gave you containing a piece of the child was a test of her regenerative abilities. I'm going to use the Cadou to essentially put her back together with the ceremony. But, I can't do that until I have the flasks and with Ethan Winters in possession of two--"

"Two?" Sophia interrupted questioningly, "I thought he only..." She trailed off, answering her own question, "He got Donna?" The girl took Miranda's silence as a yes. 

She didn't think losing them would pain her as much as it did. First, Alcina and her daughters, now Donna. Whether she liked it or not, these people were the closest thing she had to friends, maybe even a family. If you could really call it that. 

"I've thought about sending you after him but, he's clearly proved to be much stronger than I anticipated. And I do not want to risk losing you. So, I've decided to let him do my dirty work for me and I'll swoop in at the right moment." 

If that was the case, hopefully Karl will have talked Ethan into helping him kill Miranda. I mean, hell, maybe they can convince Blue Umbrella too. Sophia was aware of their presence, and knew they were friends of Ethans. If they all teamed up, Miranda wouldn't stand a chance. 


"Yes, Mother Miranda?" 

"Where is the childs father now?" 

A quiet groan resonated in her throat before she relaxed her body and closed her eyes. Ethan was going through the southern part of the village, and it looks like Moreau redecorated the place. It was covered in that nasty booger looking stuff that grows by the water. 

"He's on his way to Moreau," she answered, the tone of her voice expressing disgust. 

"Good," the woman said as Sophia reopened her eyes, "I'm gonna pay Salvatore a little visit." 

"Yeah, play to his emotions you manipulative bitch," Sophia said to herself as Miranda started to walk away, "What am I supposed to do?"

Miranda didn't bother turning around to answer her to her face, "Stay quiet and stay put. I'll return soon." 

Sophia eyed the back of her head as she left the room and sighed, letting her head onto the table. She let her thoughts wander and of course they wandered to Heisenberg. She missed him, a lot more than she ever thought she would. She missed his voice and his cocky smile. She wished she was wrapped in his arms, breathing in his smell of oil and metal. 

"Hello?" A frightened voice called out from the other side of the room. 

Sophia's head popped up from the table with furrowed her brows at the completely unexpected voice. There was someone else in the room with her and Miranda this whole time? Why were they just now making their presence known.

Slowly, she placed her palms on the wooden surface in front of her as she stood up. She tilted her head to the side to get around the objects that stood in her view and saw fingers wrapped around the bars of the cell. "Hello?" Sophia repeated, with some hesitance and walked fully around the table coming face to face with the woman in the dark cell. 


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