~𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1~

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~POV: Aragorns POV~

I was waiting with Gandalf, Frodo and the others as well as Legolas, Gimli and Boromir. We weren't exactly sure why we were standing in the middle of the forest, but according to Gandalf he was introducing a new elven soldier to our team to help along the journey. 

A few hours had pasted and this 'person' hadn't shown up yet, maybe Gandalf was wrong about the Elf. Just as everyone went quiet Gandalf suddenly spoke up.

''Well it seems like our elven soldier won't be showing up today. I'm sorry to disappoint you all, she was quite lovely.'' Gandalf finished his little ''apology'' and turned around, adjusting his hat and starting to walk off, as he walked off there was a sudden noise coming from the trees.

An elf could be seen swinging through the tree branches, it wasn't exactly clear to see but I could make out that this person was definitely an elf.

''Wait Gandalf.. someone else is in our presence..'' I gripped my sword ready to attack if I must, while everyone else was also getting prepared for battle. I heard another tree branch snap, as the elf landed in front of me.

As a reflect I aimed the sword at this person before having an arrow shoot at the handle, causing me to drop the sword to the ground. I looked up, thinking ''Who is this person..?'' and once I looked up I saw a elvish woman, with a bow in hand and an arrow pointing at my head.

''Y/n.. it's good to see you.'' Gandalf finally spoke up and showed her a friendly smile, before he slowly walked over to her. I didn't know Gandalf knew this woman, but she was stunning.

~POV: Y/n's POV~

Once I saw Gandalf, I cautiously lowered my bow, putting the arrow away. I didn't recognise anyone but Gandalf here so I wanted to be aware of these people. Only one person caught my eye. I wasn't sure of his name, but a necklace hung from his tan and dirty neck. The charm looked familiar but his face was not. I tried to ignore this person before turning to Gandalf and smiling at him.

''It's good to see you too Gandalf.. but who are these people..?'' I spoke to Gandalf before turning slightly and glancing at the half-sized kids, before noticing a dwarf and another elf, now that was also an unfamiliar face. Even though he was an Elf he didn't look a single bit familiar. 

''Ah.. right, I should introduce you to everyone..'' Gandalf begun introducing me to everyone before he showed me to the traveller I noticed at first. 

''This my dear is Aragorn.''

We shared a look at first, and I could tell he didn't know who I was. He wasn't half bad looking, but I definitely recognized that necklace somewhere. 

~POV: Aragorns POV~

She kept looking down towards my neck, maybe near my collarbone which made me think ''Was she looking at me in general or the necklace that Arwen gave me.'' 

Eventually after a long painful silent minute of eye contact, I snapped away and reached my hand out for her to shake, showing her a smile that in my mind was friendly but with the look she was giving me I'm not 100% sure if it seemed friendly to her, but maybe it did because Y/n reached out her slim and pale hand towards mine, before having our hands meet with a simple handshake of introductory. 

She is definitely different to Arwen, Y/n has more attitude problems by the looks of it but the sun was gleaming off of her h/c. She's nothing like Arwen, her beauty is much more than anyone I have ever seen, like an angel had been sent to me by the Gods. I knew it wasn't possible, but that's what I believed.

~POV: Y/n POV~

This man is like no other guy I've seen, most of the men that my father introduces to me are all stuck-up, self-absorbed and rude, but he seemed different to all those other men. The others didn't seem to bad, but only Aragorn caught my attention. 

After our awkward handshake, I let go of his soft yet jagged hands and looked back at Gandalf.

''So why did you call me here Gandalf.'' I asked him.

''Well you see, we are on an adventure and we needed extra support. That is.. if you'd like to join us?" Gandalf replied.

I thought to myself for a second, ''It would be nice to do something other than hear my fathers lectures.. but I also get to learn more about this Aragorn guy..'' I stayed quiet for a bit before looking back at Gandalf. 

''I'd be happy to help Gandalf, it'll give me a chance to learn more about you all.. and escape from my father.''

''Splendid, shall we continue walking everyone?" 

~POV: 3rd Person POV~

Everyone either said 'yes' or just nodded, thus the journey continued towards Mordor.

To Be Continued in ~𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2~ 

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