~ they are coming closer ~

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Aashna stood up and was about to leave for the kitchen when.....

Aashna's pov- i was about to leave when i felt a tight grip over my hand and when i was about to turn the person back hugged me , i am addicted to this touch !!! He slowly ran his fingers from my waist to my face , settling my hair strands behind my ears and came more closer , i could feel his breath on my neck , it sent down shivers to my body till he whispered- " i can never ever thank you enough for bringing everything back , i ....i have hurted you the most and i deserve all your hatred , but please don't ever leave me !!! I was about to tell you the truth today itself but the witness ran away , i am sorry , i couldn't gather the evidence !! I am sorry please dont leave me I'll diee......." that's when i turned and pulled him into a hug and spoke !
Aashna- shhh... never ever say that line again , you are going nowhere!!! I am always with you and about the truth .... i know it all now !!
Sanket parts the hug and gave a confused look !!
Sanket- who told you the truth ?
Aashna- mnv and unns ! I know everything now sanket !! I am sorry that yoy have to deal with all this alone , but now i am here with you ! We'll fight thus together !!
Sanket- you are so strong and understanding!! Touchwood i am blessed with the best !!
Aashna- but.......!!

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