You both looked like dear in headlights when you saw the man. Little did you know this is exactly what Light wanted. To be confronted. He could explain everything make it seem like it was his big secret all along and he never had to actually go all the way with you. Hopefully his parents would make the two of you break up so he didn't have to find a different reason to.

"What are you to doing?" Mr. Yagami asked skeptically.

"S-studying sir." You managed out.

"Studying each other lips?" You looked like you wanted to die on the spot from embarrassment.

"H-how did you know?" Light asked making sure to use his scared and confused voice. 

"Your mom told me Y/N was over so I came to check on you boys. When I enter you both jump apart from each other with swollen lips and disheveled hair. I can put two and two together." Mr. Yagami said.

Light looked down to the floor embarrassed, "You don't hate me right?" Light asked with as much sorrow as he could manage to put in his voice, "Do you find us disgusting?" 

You looked over at Light and reached out for his hand to comfort him but he moved it away and looked up at his dad. 

"I could never hate you Light and you know that. Now to say I'm surprised to come home to you kissing a boy is the understatement of the year and I am going to need an explanation but I'll always love and support you Light." Mr. Yagami said.

Not the reaction he was expecting but Light would take it. He looked over to you and smiled, taking your hand in his this time. He could still use this, use you. "Thanks dad."

"Of course." He turned to leave but then turned back around to look at you, "Mr. Yagami by the way. Nice to meet you." 

He held out his hand to you and you shook it with a firm grip, "Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you too sir."

With that Mr. Yagami left and shut the door. You immediately laid down and covered your face with your hands, "That was so embarrassing." 

"It could have been worse." Light said and laid down next to you, "He could of yelled at us and kicked you or both of us out." 

You took his hand in yours again and laced your fingers together, "Yeah that's one way to look at it I guess. But your dad is never going to look at me the same way."

Light let out a small laugh and squeezed your hand. He then silently cursed at himself. Actually falling for you wasn't part of the plan it was supposed to be fake. You were just a pawn in his master plan but against his better judgment he was slowly falling for you. 

He had known that he was developing feelings for you sense 2 weeks ago when you smiled at him so sweetly he just wanted to kiss you right there but he couldn't. Thoughts of dropping Kira to be with you plagued his mind but he would shove them to the back because you were just one person and there was an entire world that needed help, needed fixing. He couldn't give that up for one person.

At dinner Light came out to his family as bi. He knew it was all acting and built on lies but some part of it just felt so real. He could almost imagine a world where this was his only big secret. Loving a man. Not being a mass murderer. Where he only had to care what his parents and friends thought not the whole world. He secretly wished that's what it was like but he couldn't ignore his destiny. To cleanse the world of bad people and make it better.

Lights family took the coming out well and excepted you two. But safe to say there were some new rules set. Like no sleepovers and try not to go overboard with the pda. Pretty simple but sadly the no sleepovers was getting in the way of Lights new plan to have the bugs in his room removed. He could deal with the cameras but not being able to say things freely was a pain. Especially when he wanted to talk to Ryuk.

So the plan was delayed until one night Lights dad was out pulling an all nighter, Mrs. Yagami was at a friends house for a going away party, and Lights sister was at a friends house. Perfect time for you to come over. 

Light called you so L could get a heads up you were coming over and he made sure to sound flirty over the call so you'd get the hint. Let's just say when you got to Lights house you were on his bed in a matter of seconds. Making out and touching each other. Now you are kind of loud in bed and Light made sure he was too. If you both were loud enough L would have to deactivate the bugs because no sensible father wants to hear or see his son having intercourse. Maybe he'd get the cameras removed as well.

All according to his plan. Use you as his fake big secret, use you as a way to distract L and his detectives, and use you as a ploy to get the bugs and cameras out of his room. Perfect plan and it had all gone swimmingly because the next week Ryuk reported that all the cameras and bugs were gone. He also made the comment that next time he wants to peg a guy warn him first.

The end because if I continue it wont be 1,666 words anymore it'd be like 2,000-2,5000 cause I could write for Light for days lol I love him

Hope you enjoyed sorry for the lime got a little to into it but I will never write full on smut

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