ARC 1: Dr. Zhan 1

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Yibo looked around. He wasn't in a ward but in a waiting room. He tried to make sense of the situation he found himself. Where the hell was Xiao Zhan and how old was he now? How was he going to find Zhan? He regretted not asking Ak more questions.

Yibo felt a tingling sensation on his earlobe. Fortunately, the room he was in had a mirror and he found out he was wearing an earring. In the real world, he never wore one. Zhan wore it a few times when he had to perform on stage and he had always admired them on Zhan.

He touched his ears to soothe the tingling sensation and in the process touched the earring. He felt a stream of memories rush into him in a split second. As it turns out, he had his appendix removed a few weeks prior and he was here for a follow up visit. The doctor who carried out the operation was...

The door to the waiting room was pushed open and a voice which Yibo had the most impression of rang into his ears.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Wang Yibo. How are you feeling today? Have you been following the doctor's order?"

Xiao Zhan walked into the room with an ever so familiar smile plastered across his face. He stood next to Yibo who was reclining in an examination chair.

Yibo's mouth was hung open. He knew Xiao Zhan looked handsome but Xiao Zhan in a lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck made Yibo's heart beat recklessly. Zhan looked a little older than in the main world. Talking about that, Yibo recalled he was 24 this year meaning Xiao Zhan was 29, soon to be 30 years old.

Zhan always died before he turned 30 so he knew the dreaded time was just around the corner. From his memories, he could tell this Yibo had a crush on Dr. Zhan as well. He commended himself for having a good eye.

"Hello... you're spacing out, are you okay?". Turns out Yibo had not responded to anything he was asked. Zhan only needed to make an entrance and Yibo would lose the ability to function properly. Seeing Zhan hale and hearty sent some warmth through his heart.

"Yes doctor, I did as I was told. No stressful work and I've been resting. I take my medication and avoid alcohol".

"I can tell. You're healing quite well. You can go back to work as long as you don't do anything stressful. You said you work as a...."

"A DJ".

Yibo worked as a DJ at one of the popular club houses. He sometimes did some freelance work but this was his main job. He worked from evenings till midnight, sometimes he had to work till dawn but he was free all day except he had other engagements. Also, he worked shifts so he only worked 4 times a week. Since his surgery, he had taken 2 weeks off and he was getting quite bored.

"That's fine. You can go back to work. Remember to take it easy and no alcohol".

That being said, both men concluded for the day. There was no other set appointments so he didn't need to come back except he had a reason to.

In this life, Yibo was also an orphan who grew up in foster care. He was adopted when he turned 6 and lived with his foster family till he turned 18. He was kicked out when they had their own kids but they were kind enough to give him some money. He was hurt but he had to survive.

DJing was a skill he picked up out of interest. Who knew this would earn him money someday.

That night, Yibo returned to work for the first time in 2 weeks. His colleagues asked him to rest some more but he was too bored. He decided to hang out with them for a while.

He tried to stay away from alcohol but he soon found himself with a glass of beer. In the main world, Yibo never drank. Turned out his personality was different this time around. He struggled with the urge for a while but finally gave in this personality and finished the glass in a few gulps.

Up ahead, a few tables away, he caught the side view of a familiar figure, a familiar smile. Zhan was sitting across a woman. Yibo couldn't recall that face in this life or in the main world. Her posture was quite suggestive. Yibo wondered what they were talking about to make Xiao Zhan smile in this way. In the main world, Zhan had no love interest. Where did this person suddenly come from?

Yibo didn't know how or when he drifted towards them but his consciousness was alerted when he heard a soft voice speak, "How can we help you?"

This question was obviously directed towards Yibo and it came from none other than the woman. Yibo paid her no heed.

"Hello Dr. Xiao".

Zhan smiled, stood up and extended his hand towards Yibo for a handshake. "You can call me Zhan ge".

Yibo's could feel his heart thumping. This person sure was similar to his own Zhan ge. What was he even saying. Of course, this was his Zhan ge. Did this mean that Xiao Zhan would be his gege in every life time? He could feel tiny butterflies in his tummy doing a happy dance.

"Zhan ge...", both men looked unblinkingly into each other's eyes. He had seen this look on Xiao Zhan in the main world several times and for the first time, he realized something. This was not the way one looked at his brother. Could it be...


No one spoke and in order to break the awkward silence, Yibo had to say something.

"I drank alcohol".

"Yep, I saw"

Xiao Zhan had noticed Yibo the moment he entered. Yibo could not remember if he told Zhan where he worked but if Zhan said his appearance there was a coincidence, that would not be entirely true.

Zhan reveled a charming smile, displaying his front row of bunny teeth. Yibo gulped at this sight. He saw this almost every day but the thought of Zhan lying in a hospital bed, not knowing if he was going to see this look again made Yibo appreciate it even more.

"Your friend...", Yibo pointed to the lady Zhan was sitting with but the chair was empty. At a time, she left but none of them noticed.

"I just met her. I didn't know she already left. When did she leave?"

Yibo sat with Xiao Zhan and they talked for a while. Turns out they both started off in the same orphanage. Xiao Zhan was adopted when he was 5, apparently a year before Yibo's arrival. This Xiao Zhan was lucky as his adoptive parents were good to him and adored him till date. So similar yet so different. Yibo was happy that Zhan didn't have to suffer much in this life.

Xiao Zhan had the exact same interests as the Xiao Zhan in the main world. Yibo had an upper hand as he knew Zhan more than anyone else. Soon they were conversing like they had known each other for ages.

Yibo also found out that Zhan often visited the orphanage and less privileged families to offer them medical assistance whenever they asked for it. Yibo asked Zhan to call him to accompany him whenever he went. Yibo was a medical student so he could be a little helpful as he had some knowledge.

Zhan agreed, Yibo used that opportunity to exchange personal contacts with Xiao Zhan. True to his words, Zhan called him to accompany him the next day.

The place they visited was a house with an aged couple in it. Zhan helped as much as he could and Yibo just got to spend a lot more time with him. As time went by, their friendship blossomed. Yibo getting the opportunity to spend time with Xiao Zhan again soon became so comfortable and happy that he forgot the main reason he came to this world. That was until tragedy struck.

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