(Y/N) : I see .. well if you wanna, we can hang out sometimes !

Moreau : R Really ??

(Y/N) : Yeah totally ! We could get to know each other and-

Moreau : Watch movies together ?!

(Y/N) : ... If you want hehe !

Moreau : Yay ! W wait .. does that mean .. we're friends ??

(Y/N) : Yeah I guess we can say that !

Moreau : My first new friend ! Yay ! I'm so happy !

/ Your heart melted at the sight. He was so adorable how could you refuse ? And that's how you and Moreau became great friends. You saw each other very regularly, took long walks around the rivers, watched fish together and watched a lot of films. You learned that your friend had a great passion for axolots and romantic comedies. He was also very good at science and chemistry.
Moreau was so thankful toward you. You were his first friend, the first person who was ever nice to him, who never judged him, who never was afraid of him. You always helped him and found time to go see him. But ... he never really thanked you for that. He never offered you anything ! Oh boy, poor fish man was so sad about that ! He needed to give you a gift ! To do something in return for all the things you did for him ! After a lot of thinkings, Moreau finally found an idea of gift. He just had to create it ...
Today was a usual day for you. However Moreau invited you, saying he has something very important to show you. Of course you immediately said yes. After all Moreau never asked you anything before qo just coming in order for him to show you something was absolutely not a big deal. After a few minutes of walk, you arrived at the reservoir. You went to the big wooden cabins and knocked\

(Y/N) : Sal ?! It's me (Y/N) !

Moreau : O Oh ! W Wait just a minute ! I arrive !

/ Moreau opened the door just a few seconds after. He seemed to be really excited about something. You never saw him that excited before\

(Y/N) : So What's the thing you wanted to show me Sal ?

Moreau : Come come ! But close your eyes ! It's a surprise !

(Y/N) : A surprise ??

Moreau : Close your eyes and you'll see when you will open them !

/ You giggled and closed your eyes. Curiosity filled your mind, wondering what could that surprise be. After minutes, you could hear some noises like animal panting \

Moreau : You can open them !

/ You opened your eyes and indeed, it was quite a surprise. A mix of a werewolf and human shape was next to Moreau. It looked like a werewolf but with a big jaw, long claws and a lot of grey hair especially on the head and the back. The creature looked at you and made a sort of happy noise, at least that's what you guessed\

(Y/N) : Moreau .. what is this ?

Moreau : It's a Varcolac ! A creature that I created myself ! I wanted to thank you for being my friend and for all the things you did for me ! So I created this pet for you ! Like this, it could protect you !

(Y/N) : Aw Moreau .. you didn't have to. You're my friend and I love you, you don't need to thank me for that.

Moreau : S Still ! Y You like my gift .. don't you ?

/ You approached the creature slowly and began to pet its head. It purred loudly and licked your hand. You chuckled \

(Y/N) : I love it Moreau. It sure is an original gift. I promise I will take care of it properly !

/ A big smile of joy came over Moreau's face. He was so happy to hear that you liked his present, it was the first time he had given something to someone after all ! The thought of disappointing you was a nightmare for him ! So seeing you happy like this was, on the contrary, the most beautiful dream.
As the days passed, you kept your promise. You took care of your new pet. Every day, you took him out for a walk, you fed him, washed him and played with him. It made you some company when you weren't with Moreau. But what you didn't know was that your fish friend was quite jealous of your new pet.
Indeed, you started to spend a lot of time with it. And you were still seeing Moreau of course ! But your Varcolac was always here at your side. It happenned several times that it bothered both of you, well most Moreau, during your movies times. And your discussions with Moreau were, most of the time, about questions about Varcolac. Because of that, Moreau thought you were giving more attention to the pet he created for you than to him. Your friend. But he couldn't be mad at you ! Not at all ! After all it was him who offered you the gift in the first place ...
You had noticed something strange about Moreau for some time. He seemed ... sad about something. Unfortunately, with your job and your pet, you hadn't had time to talk to him about it. Which obviously made you very sad. You had to find time for your friend\

(Y/N) : [Damn I really should go see him ... I'm worried ...] Varcolac !! Can you guard my shop for an hour ? I have to visit Moreau. Don't eat any visitors okay ?

/ Your Varcolac barked as an answer and started to guard the entrance of your shop.
Normally, you would always tell Moreau before coming to visit him. But this time it was out of the blue. At first you didn't think it was a big deal. But when you arrived, the whole way to the abandoned wooden building was blocked by this green goo that Moreau was throwing up. You tried to pass through it but what had to happen happened, you slipped and were blocked by the green jelly\

(Y/N) : SHIT !!! SAL !! Are you there ?!! Can you help me ?!

/Of course Moreau heard your voice. Why were you here ?! What didn't you tell him about your visit ?! He could have cleaned up if you did ! He ran to you as fast as he could and tried to get you out of this delicate situation \

Moreau : Why are you here (Y/N) ? I wasn't aware of a visit of yours today ! If I was, I would have cleaned up a bit ...

(Y/N) : Yeeeah sorry about that Moreau ... I know I should have tell you but it's very important. I need to talk to you.

Moreau : T Talk to me ? O Oh no .. d did I do something wrong ?! D Did Moreau s say something bad !? I If so .. I'm sorry I-

(Y/N) : Moreau calm down ! You did nothing wrong don't worry ! Calm down okay ? Everything is okay.

/ Moreau calmed down for a bit, breathing slowly\

(Y/N) : Moreau ... for the past few days I noticed something strange about you .. as if you were sad about something or even .. angry. Is everything all right .. ? You know you can tell me anything.

Moreau : O Oh ! Y Yeah Moreau is doing fine ... b but you're not with your pet ? Why not ?

(Y/N) : Oh I left him to my shop this time. I really wanted to talk to you properly.

Moreau : I ... see ... well that's surprising ... normally you take it everywhere ... and you already brought it here so ...

(Y/N) : Wait Moreau ... are you jealous ?

Moreau : H H Huh ?! J Jealous ?! N No ! M Moreau i is not jealous !

(Y/N) : Moreau please tell me ...

/ Moreau looked down and stayed silent. Now you felt terrible. How could you not notice it ?! You were paying so much attention to your new pet that you couldn't see that your friend was sad about it ! You wanted to take care of it so bad ... to not disappoint Moreau ... it was a gift from him after all ...
You hugged Moreau tightly\

(Y/N) : Oh Sal I'm so so sorry !! Please forgive me !! I should have notice ! I'm such a bad friend ...

Moreau : N No don't say that ! You are the best friend I could ask for ! You did nothing wrong ! You took care of my gift and I will be thankful for that forever and-

(Y/N) : Still Moreau ! As a friend I should also pay attention to you. Equally. Don't worry I won't do that ever again ! And it's not because I'm your friend that you can't tell me when I'm doing something wrong !

Moreau : ... Thank you (Y/N) ...

/ You smile and hugged your friend once more. How could we not love this man ?\

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