"You better get your PJ's on you little brat" she said as she walked past my open door but I just ignored her and slammed the door shut.

I sat down on my bed with a scowl and stayed like that until I heard someone return home and a few minutes later Will shouted me from the kitchen,

"Gracie, get out here" he said and I angrily stood up off my bed and walked in to the kitchen where Hannah stood with a slight smirk on her face and Will looked angry "It's half an hour past your bedtime, why aren't you in your pyjamas?" He asked and I shrugged with a scowl,

"I didn't wanna go to bed" I replied,

"And since when have you been in charge of your own bedtime?" He asked with a raised eyebrow,

"Never" I admitted "but I hate her Will, I don't have to do what she tell me to!" I declared,

"That's enough Gracelyn" he shouted "apologise to Hannah and go and get ready for bed" he demanded but I shook my head and scowled at my brother,

"No Will! I'm not apologising to her she's horrible" I screamed,

"Gracie, last chance" he warned but I shook my head and stomped my foot,

"NO!" I screamed and Will firmly grabbed my upper arm and spun me around before landing a flurry of sharp smacks to my butt causing me to squeal and rise up on to my tip toes. I burst in to tears and and wriggled in an attempt to get away from my brother but it was no use. I can't believe he spanked me in front of his stupid girlfriend! "I'm not apologising Will, I hate you" I screamed causing him to release his grip from me and I ran off to my room before sliding under my bed after grabbing my stuffed rabbit.

I could hear Will apologising to Hannah and saying goodbye before closing the front door. I heard his footsteps coming towards my bedroom before he walked in with a frustrated sight,

"Gracie get out from there" he demanded "I'm serious Gracie I really don't have the energy or the patience to deal with this right now" he said angrily but I didn't say anything, only sobbed. With another frustrated sigh he turned and left my room but I stayed under my bed sobbing my broken heart out.

I don't know how long I had been crying for but soon enough Jay was home and walking in to my room,

"Gracie?" He asked as he crouched down next to my bed "come on we can't solve anything with you under there" he compromised "you're not in trouble I just wanna talk to you" he promised as I slowly pushed myself out from under my bed and felt him pick me up and wrap me in a protective hug causing my sobs to become louder. He carried me over to my window seat and sat me down on his lap allowing me to rest my head on his chest feeling his give me a comforting kiss on the head. "What's going on Gracie?" He asked gently "this isn't like you" he said as I let out a slight hiccup,

"I hate her Jay she's horrible" I declared and he frowned,

"Why Gracie? You loved her when you first met her, what's changed since then?" He asked and I sniffed,

"She's nasty to me Jay" I said "she's only nice to me when you or Will or anyone else is around but when we're on our own she calls me nasty names" I cried,

"Yeah? What kind of names has she been calling you?" He asked with a concerned frown as his arms tightened around me slightly,

"She's always calling me a brat but-" I cut myself off "I'm not allowed to say the other thing" I whispered slightly,

"It's fine I won't tell you off just tell me" he said and I nodded apprehensively,

"She sometimes calls me a bitch" I admitted and Jays expression turned to one of anger "you said you wouldn't be mad" I said nervously and he shook his head and immediately softened his facial expression,

"No baby I'm not" he comforted "I'm not angry with you" he assured and I relaxed once again,

"Has she ever hurt you sweetie?" He asked me and I nodded slightly,

"She's grabbed me a couple times" I said sadly "she grabbed my arm earlier when she was mad with me" I said,

"Can I see?" He asked gently and I nodded as he rolled my sleeve up slightly to reveal the reddish purple hand mark that was surrounding my upper arm "does it hurt?" He asked and I shrugged tearfully,

"A little" I admitted causing him to sigh and pull me back in to his chest,

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked,

"I didn't think you would believe me" I admitted,

"Hey, we'll always believe you about stuff like this" he said seriously "you need to tell us about things like this so we can help you baby" he said and I nodded,

"Ok, I promise" I said before feeling sad again "Will's still mad at me for being naughty for her" I said as tears fell from my eyes,

"Don't worry about that Gracie" he soothed "he won't be mad anymore when I've spoken to him" he promised and I nodded "I want you to get ready for bed for me ok? I'll be back soon" he said as he placed me on the floor before grabbing me a fresh pair of pyjamas and leaving my room, no doubt to speak to Will.

I did as I was told and got changed in to my fluffy pyjamas and slowly creeped out of my room,

"You better deal with this Will or I will" Jay said to our other brother who was looking more than stressed out "you said you trusted her" Jay accused him and he shook his head in reply,

"I did trust her Jay, of course I did" he said "do you really think I would have left her with Gracie if I thought she was like this?" He asked as Jays gaze landed on me in the doorway,

"Hey sweetie" he greeted as he encouraged me to come over to him which I did apprehensively "all sorted?" He asked and I nodded before hiding my face in to his shirt feeling him rest a comforting hand on the top of my head and I heard Will sigh,

"Gracie I'm so sorry" he apologised as I looked over at him in slight shock,

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked confused and he shook his head,

"Not anymore" he said "why didn't you tell us this was going on?" He asked and I shrugged as I had done earlier,

"I didn't think you would believe me and you looked so happy when you where with her so I didn't want to upset you" I said as he smiled slightly,

"Come here" he gestured and picked me up before planting a kiss on the side of my head "you don't worry about any of that stuff that's our job" he began "you're our main priority Gracie and it's our job to look after you, you can't keep secrets like this from us ok? No matter what we're always gonna believe you and be there for you" he comforted and I nodded "I promise you're never gonna have to see her again baby girl" he said as I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck,

"I love you, and I'm sorry I said I hated you because it's not true" I said quietly,

"I know kiddo, I love you to" he replied before putting me down on the floor and moving to grab his jacket,

"Where are you going?" I asked with a slight frown,

"I'm just going to sort something out baby, I'll see you in the morning ok?" He asked and I nodded and watched as he left the apartment,

"Right, it think it's time to get you in bed" Jay announced and I pouted,

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked hopefully "pleaseeee" I pleaded and he clicked his tongue,

"Fine" he caved "but only this one time" he said and I fist bumped the air,

"Yesss" I said excitedly before running off to Jays room.

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