Part 21- The high end nomu vs Endeavour

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Izuku: Hey,did you hear about that guy who managed to sneak into U.A during the sports festival?
Mustard: And shut it down? You bet I did
Seline: Mhm,mhm!
Himiko: Shame he got caught
Magne: And the person who helped him?
Chrono: Think she got caught as well
Shin: Still...he doesn't seem all that evil..
Overhaul: Yeah.
Mr.Compress: They seem like they like showing off
Tomura: Like you then?
Twice: *laughs*
Spinner: Hey,they both have reason,they're impressive
Hikara : Wow,you watch one magic show of his and you're completely on his side?
Spinner: Hey,you should have seen it!
Kurogiri: Hey,where's Dabi?
Dabi: *walks up to Hood/High end Nomu* Go.
Hood: *goes*
Hood: *flies up to the top of the building and smashes through it*
Endeavour: *hovers in front of him*
Hawks: I didn't know you could fly!
Endeavour: I'm not flying,I'm simply not falling.
Hood: *starts slashing at Endeavour*
Endeavour: *starts throwing blows of fire back at him*
Hood: *releases the lesser grey Nomu so he doesn't have to deal with the lesser weak heroes and lands a few more majorly dangerous hits* Are there any other more powerful heroes?
Endeavour: *generates a bunch of fire on his back and pushes himself forward,straight at Hood*
Hood: I're like me,you regenerate .
Endeavour: No...I'm nothing like you,I can barely move but I must defeat you!
Hood and Endeavour: *start exchanging violet blows with each other,sending them spinning around*
Endeavour: *grabs Hood and burns it all over*
Hood: *tears his head off and throws it out of the fire*
Endeavour: *eyes widen in shock* It threw it's head out of the fire?!
Hood: *takes a couple swipes at Endeavour*
Endeavour: *starts exchanging fire-based blows back at it*
Hood and Endeavour: *fighting with each other,exchanging blows only the most dangerous can*
Hawks: *joins the fight,trying to out manoeuvre Hood,while taking a few swipes* IM NOT GOOD AGAINST POWER TYPES BUT I CAN TRY TO OUT SPEED IT
Endeavour: *starts flying at the Nomu*
Hawks: *sends his feathers behind Endeavour to add to his speed*
Endeavour: *pushes himself harder* HAWKS!
Endeavour: yeah *grabs Hood in a bear hug and flies far far up,using his prominence burn to become like a secondary sun* I see now,you're me,from the past or from a different future,rest now. *he slowly hovers down and raises his fist in victory*
Hawks: *lands next to him and keeps him standing up* whoa there,Endeavour. That was really cool!
*A slow clap sounds from a near by ally as Dabi walks out*
Dabi: I must say,I didn't expect High-End to kill you but he almost did. *spins in a circle,creating blue fire all around them*
Endeavour: What do you want,villain?!
Dabi: oh,just to introduce myself,after all,this is the first time we've met,right? Enji Todoroki?!
Hawks: leave,there's no way you could fight us both at once!
Dabi: you're right,there's no way I could kill the number 1 and number 2 pro heroes,*summons fire on his hand and charges forward* UNLESS THEY WERE BOTH WEAKENED FROM A FIGHT!!
Mirko:*jumps over the fire and lands with a strong kick to the ground*
Dabi: oh...sad *takes out an orb and puts it in his mouth and grey stuff goes around him and he vanishes*
Hawks: *walks into the building* You..WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!
Dabi: ?
Dabi: oh,please,you said you'd bring some low level pro,not the number 1 hero.
Hawks: I still brought a hero,the only deal broken here is the one you made to me.
Dabi: I couldn't help but notice you got all those civilians out safely and helped take out High-end.
Hawks: The more the public and heroes trust me,the more I can help you.
Dabi: ok,fine,I'll cut to one more question; are you a spy for the heroes,are you on their side?
Hawks: WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! It's two questions and of course not!
Izuku: *in the form of one girl from his middle school,glows red* This girl's quirk makes her glow when she hears someone lie when answering a question.
Hawks: *barely had time to turn around*
Izuku: *now,as All Might,is quickly on top of him* I AM HERE,TO GET YOUR BLOOD! *he sinks his teeth in deep and draws some*
Dabi: *puts bare hands on Hawks and burns him as much as he can,without killing him*
Hawks: *passes out*
Dabi: let's get him to Toga then Nomu him up.
Izuku: *back to normal* yeah,that'll be fun.

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