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Belle and I hung out the entire afternoon after I got my exam result. I still could not believe it. I knew I passed. I did not expect I would do that well though. The entire time I was taking the test, passing was the only thing I had in my head and Belle. Maybe I need to fill my head with Belle just so I can get my shit together all the time.

We sat by the bleachers at the quadrangle after we got our milk ice creams from a store nearby. We talked about things that really don’t matter. We’d talk about random shenanigans about school and other things. We would laugh here and there and then it’ll be quiet. It was not awkward though, it was pleasant and comfortable. It’s like two friends hanging out but not really. There is this thing between us, a wall of some sort. It’s like we’re friends but we’re not. Sometimes I feel like she’d flirt with me but then again, It’s Belle Mariano.

She’s fun, quite intimidating but not in a bad way really. She’s beautiful, the word itself doesn’t even give its justice. She seems like one of the untouchables if you don’t really know her but everything I thought about her was the complete opposite. For someone as pretty as her, to give me a time of the day was way out of my imagination. I mean, aside from tutoring, I didn’t really think she’d be willing to still hangout with me after.

We talked about the upcoming Comic Con we’re attending. I found out that she’s the one personally making her own costume. I asked what’s her class in Dungeon Wars but she said it’s going to be a surprise. I for one, hate surprises because this means, I wouldn’t be able to prepare myself with what’s about to go down.

Criza, being a real costume maker in real life, took the liberty to make our costumes. Aside from her love of chickens, the girl has put quite dedication towards costume making. She’d attend conventions here and there and join cosplay competitions around the country. I used to not dress up back then, I’d just go with her and then lurk around the booths where the convention is being held. Sometimes, I’d take pictures of people that I thought looked cool but eventually, Criza talked me into dressing up too.

So now, here I am at Criza’s apartment, fitting the costume she made for me. We actually had to order some items that Criza can’t make. Like the gauntlets, boots and chest piece and my big ass marrowstrike that came all the way from Japan. I’m a death knight so go figure, how that’ll look like. While Criza, is a human warrior. She’ll be wearing a heavy armor too. So we’re going to be like two idiots in a knight suit. I should have been a night elf. They always have great costumes.

After the fitting, I went home and finally relaxed. I hung out with Belle in the afternoon and then went to Criza’s for fitting. The Con is coming up this weekend and every nerd in our area has been looking forward to it. I’ve decided to log in game and play for the first time in days. I felt excited.

I checked my in game mail box and found out the items I’ve put at the auction house have all been sold. Sweet! I’ve always wanted a Mechano Hog in game so I can look like a badass death knight on wheels. I went ahead and got my gold to purchase the bike.

As soon as I was done binding the bike to my character, I rode the damn thing and started to flaunt my newly purchased mount. This shit is awesome. I can actually carry another person in this bike. It’s going to be very useful for world PVPs and raids. I was sick and tired of riding a Sabre-Tooth.


Belinda: Look who’s back!

Donato: I’m not

Belinda: did you not miss me?

Donato: I was actually having a good time until you messaged me

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