"Don't you ever touch my girlfriend again." 

"Well we both know she wanted to kiss me," Nick says smirking.

"How about you wait for her to say the words next time," Luke says as he punches Nick in the face.

Luke grabs my hand and we walk out of the studio together.

"Luke omg I can't believed you punched him," I say as we walk out side of the doors stopping.

"I want to do a lot more then punch him." He says

"Hey I'm fine your fine we are all good." say as I grab his hand and pull him in

We kiss in front of the school for about 30 seconds then I get a call from Calum.


hey julie where are you

Shit, me and Luke will be there in five minutes

Ok get here quick

OK I will see y'all there

"Luke we got to go and I have to change in the car," I say as we run to his car

"Hey, I on the road there," I say as I see his eyes in the rearview mirror.

"They are, they are," he says looking back at the road.

Luke parks the car and we both run out.

"Hey, guys sorry I'm late something happened at school." I say "I tell y'all about it later" 

"Mates they just called us onto stage," Ashton tells us.

All the boys walk onto the stage in front of me. We all wave at the crowd. Ashton and Luke (Hemmings) sit on the back couch and I sit in between Calum and Mikey on the front couch.

The interviewer asks us about the new song and the writing process and stuff like that.

"So Julie a lot of the fantoms were worried that this might mean the end of the band. What do you have to say about that?" 

"Well, this is for sure NOT the end of Julie and Phantoms. We just put out an album and we hope to tour it soon." I say.

"Well while we are on the topic of Julie and the Phantoms we received a picture from earlier." the interviewer tells us while a picture of me and Nick dancing and kissing flashes up on the screen. "So is this boy your new boy toy?" she asks me while I fake gag.

"Actually that is Nick I've known him most of my life but I can say we are not dating although we use to date," I say look at the floor. Calum puts his arm around my back in a comforting way.

I look over at Luke who mouths the words "I love you". 

"So this Nick guy why were you guys spotted kissing today," she asks me which takes me out of my trance of Luke.

"Well Nick and I ended poorly I would say, but we were dance partners this year so we had to choreograph a dance together, and I guess he got a little jealousy that I invited my boyfriend," I tell the interviewer.

"Who is he I know many fans have been shipping you with Calum since the song release," she says while motioning toward Calums arm around me.

"Oh god no" We both say in unison.

"I actually invited my boyfriend today" I say

"Well, get him up here." the interviewer says

I walk off of the stage and grab Luke's hand.

"Luke Patterson," the interviewer says in shock.

"Yepp that's me," he says with a smirk

"Well, Luke I guess the biggest question I have now is how do you feel that Julie spends a lot of her free time with these very attractive Australian boys." The interviewer says

"Well I'm fine with it but it not like I control Julie, and I love the boys in 5sos," Luke says while sitting on Mikey's lap.

"But at first I was a little worried because Julie use to dance and sing their music all the time and she said she would leave anyone for Calum." He said to the interviewer.

"I think we have seen enough of Luke," I say while he walks off stage and I get embarrassed.

We finish the interview by talking about the song and both bands' next plans, and then we head home.

"Heyyyyy Julie are you ready to party now." Luke says 

"yes but where is said party?" I ask confused

"That is a surprise." He says as we walk into my room

"Can I pick out your outfit?" he asks me


He comes back 5 minutes later with a small skin-tight black dress in his hands and a pair of black stilettos. 

I put on the dress and I look in the mirror. 

"OMG Luke you gonna let me out of the house wearing this," I say with my eyes bulging out of my head at how revealing it is.

"I'll try not to rip it off before we reach the door," he says while standing behind me and looking at me in the mirror. 

He then runs his fingers over the strap of my dress as it falls down the side of my shoulder. He begins kissing my neck as his hand goes to the zipper of my dress. Just then we hear a knock at my door.

"Shit," I say as I fix my strap and Luke zips up my zipper.

I open my door and Reggie and Alex walk in and we leave for the party.

Y'all I know it's been a minute I got a job and my sis is leaving for college soon lol. I got another Idea for a book so I wanted to finish this one before I start that one xoxo


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