Phaedra pushes her arm away and replied "Yes Annabeth, I know. You talk about it alot. Just follow me and don't bother him." Annabeth nods and follows her best friend to the boy's room.

When Phaedra walks into the room, she sees a boy with jet black hair and tan skin. However, he also looks pretty pale for a boy with a mediterranean complexion.

He looked pretty cute. She thinks to herself

Annabeth walks past her and takes the pudding and starts feeding said boy. "Looks like you have this under control.." Phaedra says to Annabeth and she nods. "Cool, well, I'm just going to sit here and chill, while you do my job for me." Annabeth chuckles at her friend

As she wasn't paying attention, and doing her job like she was supposed to, the raven haired boy starts to come too. As Annabeth sees him becoming conscious again, while spoon feeding him pudding, she urgently asks, "What will happen at the summer solstice?"

Phaedra quickly gets up and grabs the pudding cup away from Annabeth as she briefly makes eye contact with the green eyed boy and says "Girl, what are you doing? I told you not to bother him." Annabeth quickly replies "I have to know something before your siblings come back." Phaedra rolls her eyes

The boy manages to croak, "What?" Annabeth looks around, as if afraid someone would overhear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

"I'm sorry," He mumbles, "I don't..."

Somebody knocks on the door, and Annabeth quickly fills his mouth with pudding.

After that, Annabeth and Phaedra leave before going to hang out. Not long after (Maybe about a day or so) the boy fully wakes up and Phaedra and Annabeth were called down to the Big House by Chiron and Mr. D.

Chiron and Mr. D are the camp directors. Chiron is a centaur. Mr. D, his real name is Dionysus, he is the God of wine and madness, and also grapevines. He was here on punishment, so he didn't really like any of the campers. Especially heroes, he hated heroes.

At the Big House, Annabeth and Phaedra are waiting for Percy, along with Chiron and Mr. D, who are, at the moment, playing pinochle at the card table on the porch. Phaedra and Annabeth stood by the railing with their arms crossed. Phaedra starts to get a little impatient.

To be fair he is taking a while to get there.

After a while, Grover and the boy finally arrived. He actually looks better now. He didn't look as pale as when Phaedra had last seen him at the infirmary. His black hair looked kind of ruffled and was sticking up at the back. She likes that his hair looks like that Phaedra got a better look at the boy's eyes. Sea green. It sort of reminds her of an ocean...

If he's a demigod, then what God has sea green eyes?

As they came closer, the boy's eyes widened as he exclaimed "Mr Brunner!" Phaedra gives Annabeth a look and asks "Who the heck is Mr Brunner?" The latter shrugs at her

"Ah, good, Percy," he says. "Now we have four for pinochle."

He offers the boy, whose name was apparently, Percy, a chair to the right of Mr. D, who looked at him with bloodshot eyes and heaved a great sigh. "Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you."

Percy's brows furrowed in confusion. "Uh, thanks." He scoots a little farther away from him.

To be honest if it were me, I would have scooted away too.

"Annabeth? Phaedra?" Chiron calls the girls.

The two girls come forward and Chiron introduces them to Percy. "These two young ladies
nursed you back to health, Percy." Phaedra gives him a small smile in greeting, while Annabeth just stares at him. "Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him in cabin eleven for now."

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