Nubian nights

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Disclaimer: I haven't read anything more than wiki pages on this particular backstory and issues, so all this is is dangerous half-knowledge with my imagination filling the gaps.

The stars were sparkling innocently in the night sky above the peaceful hills of the Nubian countryside. A teenage boy with red hair and blue eyes lazily let his gaze wander over them, half-heartedly identifying planets and systems from their position on the firmament, as he took another drag from his spice in the fresh night air. It was of the not so addictive, relatively harmless kind, he wasn't stupid enough to risk his life and future for the sake of spiteful rebellion and thrill seeking. Though the knowledge that his father would throw a fit if he could see him now was immensely satisfying. Sheev Palpatine let his legs dangle from the ornate marble railing of the balcony he'd settled himself on as he took another drag from the spice and exhaled the smoke through his nose. He wondered if his family would notice it's smell on him in the morning. It didn't really matter, his father would be angry with him anyway for staying out all night without telling anyone where he was going. Not that he could do anything about it. Sheev was no longer the little boy who'd flinch and duck in fear of blows when he heard his father yelling behind his back, the little boy who spitefully but helplessly had to stare up at his sire when he beat him while the despicable cowards that made up the rest of his family cowered in the corner watching. If the old man tried to hit him Sheev didn't even need to sidestep anymore thanks to his improved control of the force, he could simply reach for his father's mind and freeze his arm mid-air or shove at it harshly enough that the man stumbled back with the beginning of a mighty migraine blossoming behind his eyes. He wondered what else he would be able to do once he'd studied the Sith writings he'd gotten together with the spice on the black market a standard week ago more in-depth. An anticipatory smirk snuck onto his lips. A mild gust of summer wind blew over the Nubian landscape and tickled Sheev's bare torso. If it weren't for the festering hate and bitterness in his heart Sheev would've called himself happy that night, the only thing that was missing was the thrill of an illegal speeder race. It helped him forget about himself and the galaxy at large when he pushed his illegally tweaked speeder to top speed and the surroundings blurred around him.

„Are you coming back to bed?", a voice asked behind him, careful though as to not break the atmosphere of the night. Ah, well. It was no speeder race, but Sorwee would do. „In a minute.", he replied as the other boy walked up behind him. „My, you truly like risks, don't you?", Sorwee mumbled, looking at where Sheev's legs were dangling off the balcony over the steep slope beneath. Sheev hummed noncommittally. He wasn't about to tell him that he could easily catch himself with the force if he fell, which he wouldn't. Sorwee wrapped his arms around Sheev's middle, and the younger teen leaned back into the embrace. Not because he trusted or cared for the other, but because he knew with certainty that he was in control here even if Sorwee wasn't aware. Sheev loved being underestimated, the advantages and possibilities were nearly endless. The older boy pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder and Sheev bit back a chuckle. Such sentimental gestures despite the fact they'd agreed that their relationship was to be a casual one. Well, he'd long been suspecting that Sorwee was falling for him and would eventually want them to be more. He'd make sure that wouldn't happen one way or the other. Sheev dipped his head to the side to give Sorwee better access to his neck, sensing that the other would like to continue the kisses there, showing his agreement in the obvious invitation. Another smirk twisted his lips around the spice he was just finishing. If his father were to see him with his male lover, he'd certainly blow a fuse. The thought did fill him with a substantial amount of glee. Maybe he should set up a holocam to film them and sneak the footage onto his father's com unit in his office. No, he shouldn't encourage Sorwee, nor leave evidence of their relationship if he was to go through with the darkest of his ideas for getting rid of the other boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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