August 16th

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August 16th, 20xx

    So, I was relocated to a new facility because there were threats of it being raided, and they needed more people there. I had agreed to go there, cause I mean, why not? Anyways, they gave me a quick tour of this other facility and gave me a room to stay in overnight before stationing me to stay on guard at the front of the building.
    I hate being on guard outside. It's hot and sticky, and all the gear we have to have on us doesn't help either. I was starting to get super bored and tired until I heard a vehicle pull up which caused me to wake up and raise my guard. When I saw who came out of the vehicle, my guard immediately dropped. The black-clothed man was there, but they weren't important. The other man was.
    He looked beautiful, just as he did last time. The other man with the red goggles noticed me first, though, and asked me a question, "You're the guy from earlier this week, right?" I simply nodded, trying to keep eye contact with the man without letting my eyes wander to the man behind him. The man nodded and said, "Wanna help us out like ya did last time?" I was overjoyed by the idea. I would be able to hang out with that pretty man from earlier. Instantly, I agreed. "Great," the man with the red goggles smiled.
    I followed them as they entered the building. I refused to help them with the fighting, but I helped them figure out the map of the building pretty well. As we went from room to room, I looked at the other man. The one I loved so much. I asked him what his name was. He was quiet for a bit before telling me his name was Sanford. Sanford. What a pretty name. It also seemed quite fitting for him. Sanford began telling me the other person's name, but I wasn't really paying attention. I think he said the other man's name was Henry or something. I don't know. I think I started daydreaming again.
    He managed to snap me out of my trance. I blinked a bit, reconnecting myself to reality. "Oh yea, I'm fine, I'm fine," I said. Sanford looked at me and said, "Alright, that's good. Would ya mind telling us your name?" I was quiet. Did he want to know my name? Oh man, this was exciting, "Oh yea! My name is uh," Shit. I forgot I didn't have a name. After a few seconds of thinking, I spat out, "Oh! My name is Deimos." I laughed a bit, trying to remove some of the awkwardness from the conversation.
    "Oh, nice to meet ya, Deimos." Sanford smiled. I began to smile. This man was super nice. "Nice to meet you too Sanford." This was a great opportunity for me! I could keep talking or maybe give him a gift! Not that I had much of a gift to give him though. I decided to ask, "So, what do you and Henry do? I've seen you two a bunch." Sanford chuckled a bit before correcting me, "His name is Hank, not Henry." He was silent a bit, thinking about the answer before saying, "Well, we do this type of stuff for a lot of reasons. Today, we're just going to get supplies, and Hank thought doing this would be the easiest way to do this."
            Hank looked back at me and Sanford. "Hey, San, don't tell me too much. We don't know if we can trust him yet." Sanford sighed as the group reached their destination. Their goal was to find a storage room and take whatever they needed. Hank kept guard of the door, in case a hoard of grunts came to stop them. I decided to stay by Sanford though. I started digging through a big pile of clothes and I found something cool! I pulled them out.
           There were two blank military style dog tags. I smiled as I set one in my pocket and hid the other behind my back, "Hey Sanford! I found something you might like!" He looked over at me. He was so pretty... ack! I'm getting side tracked. Anyways, I told him to hold out his hand, which he did. Once he held it, he put it around his neck. It fit perfectly! "Thanks," he said. I was smiling and he had a grin on his face, and oh boy. He wore that smile well.
          Suddenly, Hank said that he and Sanford had to leave. Sanford quickly grabbed a bag, stuffed everything he stole inside of it and ran off behind Hank. Honestly, I was tempted to run off with them, but my gut told me to stay there. I eventually just retreated to my room to try and wind down for a bit.

August 16th, 20xx

             Before I went to bed, I ran my fingers over the dog tag I had. It made me feel happy that me and Sanford had some sort of matching thing. That just means we were a few steps to being closer! Maybe if I run into him more, we could hang out! I love him so fucking much. I hope he feels the same

End of August 16th Journal Entries

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