"I stand and hand Karah to her father where she whines before settling onto his shoulder, His hand stuck out and I palm it with mine feeling the warmth of it. 

"Thank you, Ms.Emmeret. I'll send you an email with the address soon enough. You'll also get your first pay next week, How's 5,000 for starts?" I choked on my air and looked at him with wide eyes.   

"5,000?" What is that? Pocket change for him? He nodded and I returned it picking up my stuff and exited the door, a big 'whoop, whoop!' can be heard from outside the door and my body shakes with laughter.

Some women smile and some send dirty looks, but a hand on my wrist stops me and I'm met with the same firey redhead. 

"He's mine, bitch. So don't even try it" She says and I get taken aback. 

"What exactly am I trying?" I question and she smiles evilly, "Just don't mess with me, Ms.Everett"  

I furrow my eyebrows and yank my wrist out of her grasp and continue my journey even quicker, "Ms. Emmeret!" I stifled a grunt and turn around to see Mr. Vaughn approaching my way. 

My eyes widened and he smiled at the anxiety he granted upon me, I froze and waited for him to catch up to me. 

"I was just about to ask if you had time for lunch...but you look like you're in a haste to be somewhere" He chuckles and showed the most beautiful smile I've seen. I was headed somewhere

"U-uh well I'm not headed anywhere, nerves just got the best of me" I smile sheepishly and he checks his watch, "Well it isn't that late if you're willing to take up that offer?" He smiled again swooning me into saying yes. 

"Alright! Give me 5 minutes" I nodded and Vera glared at me viciously. She quickly headed after him with a smirk on her face and I rolled my eyes subtly. 

5 minutes turned into 10, 10 turned into 20, and 20 turned into few hours. At this point I was tired of waiting, it was way past lunch and Jerry was probably worried I hadn't walked through the lobby door. I placed a hand over my mouth as I yawned sitting against the wall with my purse next to me. I got up and that's when Roman with swollen lips, messed up hair, and crinkled clothes came out of his office door with Vera looking the same way. 

I picked up my purse before he could see me and raced out the door, but I was way too late. By the time I picked up my purse he had seen me and let out various curses. 

I understood whatever he had with Vera, but if you supposedly commit to lunch with someone...you should be there right? He also could've canceled, I would have been okay with that. 

But seriously? Ditching someone for hours- hours that I stayed for because I knew he was a busy man and probably got caught up in something.  

But leaving me here so you can fuck your secretary?? I was pissed. 

I let out curses in french and dashed out the glass door with Roman frozen behind me watching my figure leave, I quickly hopped into the nearest cab told him my address. I had no reason to be reacting like this but just seeing him laugh with Vera almost struck a nerve of such.                           

He's your boss E, he'll never think of you that way. Plus you just met him, cool it!

I repeated that mantra in my head until I got home and paid the taxi driver. Going through the glass door slumped, "Ellowyn?" Jerry called. 

I raised my head and put on a fake smile, "Bonjour, Jerry" Hello

"Bonjour, Ellowyn. A young man was here earlier but I had told him that you hadn't arrived. He left but I thought that I should tell you" 

A young man? 

"What did he look like?" I asked leaning against his desk taking one of the peppermints in the small bowl.  

"Ah! Doom my ancient memory, the only thing I could remember was that he had a beard" 

"Millions of men have beards, Jerry" I laughed chewing on the mint and he nodded reaching into my mailbox pulling out about half a dozen letters.  

"I'm sorry, chérie"

"It's okay, Jerry, Bonne Nuit" Goodnight

I waved to Jerry before entering the elevator, a ping on my phone disturbed my silence and tears stung in my eyes. I had missed my monthly call with my mother. 

To keep the fact that she helped me escape a secret we called each other once monthly and I had missed her call. I missed her voice dearly, I tended to a vase of red roses in my bedroom to never forget her love for them. 

I enter my house instantly slamming the door and erupting in tears, I buried my pounding head in my hands. The events of the past months finally hitting me. 

My fucking boutique burned down, my mother probably thinks I'm finally forgetting about her and my boss...my fucking boss ditched me. Though the last one wasn't important, I just hoped I could complete my job as civil as possible. 

A rub on my leg made my head pop up and saw the small Dakota rubbing his head on my leg, "Hi bud" I picked him up and placed him on my lap. Brushing his head as he placed kisses on my face. 

I placed him down and he looked proud of himself for making me somewhat happy, he followed me to my room where I stripped off my clothes and put on a flimsy tank top and a pair of plaid pajama pants. 

Dakota whines and I pick him up and place him on the bed where he curls up in my bedsheets, I kiss the top of his head and curl up in the bedsheets next to him pulling him to my chest where he yawns in the cutest way and lays against my chest.         

I lay my head against the pillows but not before setting my alarm and fall asleep next to possibly the cutest dog in the world. 

Chapters 2-3 have now been posted! Have a good night/day

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Chapters 2-3 have now been posted! Have a good night/day

The First 2 Chapters of Singer X will be coming next month on the 5th so be prepared!  

Hasta luego! 

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