"Yes, I gathered that." He placed down his pen, turning to look at her as his hand moved to her hip. "About what, exactly?"

She glanced down to his papers, thinking over the meetings she had been in on and trying to make sense of. And they did, in a way. But it was what came after that Ana was curious about.

"Well," She sat up slightly. "I know you're still...planning this whole thing, I guess. But when it's all finished...what do we do?" She asked with a confused gleam in her eye, looking down on him.

He nodded, leaning back as he peered up at her. "What would you like to do?"

She breathed out an airy chuckle. "Well, you have a plan don't you? I mean, for after, once everything is..finished?"

He laughed quietly, shaking his head. "No, not really. I was planning on leaving that up to you, actually."

Her mouth opened slightly, and her eyes narrowed. "Me?"

"Yes, you." He rolled his eyes, gripping her chin and closing her jaw with a smirk. "Who else would it be?"

She placed her hand on his chest, gripping the fabric beneath her. "I guess I've just never really thought about it. That's why I asked you." She smiled awkwardly, running her hand through her hair as she chuckled.

"Maybe that's a good thing," He rubbed her hip with his thumb. "Not having anything planned. Makes it...exciting, doesn't it?"

She looked down to his work, nodding as she laid against his chest. "In a way, yeah. But it's also a little scary too." She shrugged her shoulders, bringing her nail up to bite.

"Why?" He narrowed his eyes, pulling her finger from her mouth as he wrapped his arms around her back.

It wasn't exactly scary, but it was intense; the idea of her and Michael having the world to themselves besides a few unlucky souls they could use to their entertainment. "Well, we're just two people," She nuzzled into him, sighing tiredly as she blinked. "And the world is a big place. It'll just be...ours."

He rubbed circles on the length of her back, twirling his fingers in her curls as he tucked his chin atop of her head. "It'll be yours. I'm doing all of this for you, Ana. We can do everything, or nothing at all. If you want to explore every inch of land or bottom of the ocean, we can. If you want to sit and do nothing for all of eternity, we can. It'll be your planet, Ana. A safe one. Everything we do will be of your choosing." He kissed the top of her curls, crossing his legs in front of him.

Her heart leaped at his words, and she leaned up to kiss his lips. It felt like they had spent lifetimes together, and yet somehow he was still able to swoon her with every word and action he performed. He was so captivating, alluring and sculpted with beauty that was almost too much for her eyes to handle. On one hand, he could be the kindest, softest, most respectful person she could ever imagine. And on the other, he could be the biggest freak in the sheets known to man.

She chuckled at her thoughts. "I love you so much you stupid moron." She kissed him again, her hand resting on his shoulder.

He pulled away as he smirked, head tilting to the side. "I say all that and I get stupid moron in return?"

She giggled as she kissed him again harder, shutting him up as her hair fell at the sides. It was so unbelievable to her just how much he loved her. For awhile, she had doubted it. Even though the spell that erased her existence was now gone, the bond between them hadn't been broken. And Michael had even wanted Ana to take it again, but she refused. Besides, it would have been difficult living in Miriam's home if the woman didn't even know who she was. She could feel it now, the strength of his love. It practically radiated off of him, with every stare, kiss or thrust into her, she could feel it.

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