25. End

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Sunday 3.22pm

I pass the door and head to the kitchen to drop the grocery bags. Before I have time to stop her, she has run through the living room straight to the office. Shit! Why are three year olds so damn quick. Even when she was only crawling she was like a rocket.


I hear some rustle, loud talking and her chattering, excited to share with him the amazing 'adventure' she went on. The grocery store, pet store and car wash was the most amazing to her. I wished I was still three and excited about the smallest things.

As I put things away, I hear them coming through and turn around to face them walking hand in hand. The way she looks at him is heart melting, so much adoration and love.

"Sorry, she was too quick. I hope you weren't streaming."

"I was, but I heard her shouting so I put it on mute as quickly as I could."

"They heard."

"They heard. But I don't think they knew where it was coming from."

"Seeing that you've disappeared from the stream, I'd say they know."

"Oh well, if they ask, I'll deal with it." He comes close, wraps his arm around me and pulls me sideways to kiss me.

I turn to him about to wrap my arms around his neck when I feel something between the two of us. Looking down I see her cheeky grin, big round brown eyes and cute smile, as she claws onto his leg.

"What are you doing down there petal?" I ask before she replies.

"Family cuddle?" I chuckle. How can we resist her?

I go down and pick her up before we squeeze her between us. With a bossy voice, she tells me off.

"Not too hard Mummy, you're gonna hurt Daddy!!" She can be so protective of her dad, it's adorable.

"Sorry. I'll be careful."

"You okay Daddy?"

"I'm okay. Thanks for looking after me angel." He says kissing her chubby cheeks.

There I am. Exactly where I want to be. We still both have hard times, but we work hard to make her life as painless as possible. We're gonna be okay.



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