Caesar peeked through the gaps of his finger, a large building with jazz music and voices sounding inside immediately caught his attention. A handful of people stared long at the poster glued on the building's wall for some sort of clarification, then entered the bar with enthusiasm. Curiosity bit Caesar hard. He walked towards the poster, leaving the other two fuddled by his sudden decision of his. As he settled his gaze on the poster, a lady in a fancy silk English violet dress and fuzzy bronze-tinted coat posing in a seductive pose pictured in the banner, holding a microphone up to her jaw. That got to be her.

Suddenly, Joseph stepped next to him, leaning forward to take a look and it quickly frightened him for a second. "What's so important about a poster? Oh, I get it, you're planning to get more ladies than you already have." He said, placing a glare on Caesar. "Quit getting distracted, goldie-locks, didn't you just say you're leading us to your mentor?" He grunted and pinched Caesar's arm.

The blonde man's eyes twitched as the electrifying pain shook in his limb. "I wasn't distracted, I was looking at the poster to see if it was her," said Caesar, rubbing the pain away. His tall companion cocked his head in the slightest and stared at the banner for a long long minute.

And all that the British boy could let out was 'oh'.

"Let's not waste time, boys, I'm sure we're just in time." Speedwagon said and decided to be the first of the three to enter the bar. Obviously, the two young men followed him inside.

The three sat down at the corner of the bar, settling with their drinks

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The three sat down at the corner of the bar, settling with their drinks. Waiters and Waitresses walked around and as usual, served drinks and food to customers. Musicians from the stage playing their instruments fast-paced before the singer for tonight shows up. The bartender kept the customers satisfied with the drinks they served. Customers-either in groups or alone-enjoyed their food and drinks, most shared laughs and chats but some didn't or chatted quietly.

Cigarette smoke wafting in the air alongside its stench that flowed river inside everyone's nostrils. The people didn't seem to care, all were distracted by the music, their booze, and their enjoyment. Even with the mafia taking over the city, their respect for art remained and when the singer emerged from those back curtains, they're sure to stay quiet and enjoy how beautiful art can be.

Joseph coughed and removed his gaze from the crowd. "Talk about a bar, your mentor could've picked a better bar rather than this one. This place is rammed with smokers." He said, frowning at Caesar.

Caesar groaned, facing the trickster. "Since when was a bar a no-smoking zone, JoJo?"

"I'm just saying... Wait, is your mentor a smoker as well?" Joseph asked.

"Let me think... Okay. How about this, why don't you mind your business and don't ask personal questions?" Caesar smiled yet he felt his head aching from anger. And Joseph didn't take the response gladly and Speedwagon inhaled deeply as if he was preparing for the biggest eruption of anger.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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