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WAMUU ENTERED THE ABANDONED HOUSE with an exhausted posture. He had to go take care of some things. His brothers were out doing some business, their current whereabouts are unknown to him.

Luckily, Wamuu was able to find a temporary and suitable place for him and his brothers to live in a small abandoned house in a rather crowded part of the city. The noises of automobiles passing by the road seemed to annoy Wamuu, making a jumbled ruckus in his head and cracking his sanity to small bits. He sat down on the old couch as he took in a deep breath, looking at the clock, it was six PM, the sun had already set. His eyelids began weighing to close and rest for the day. And so he did, drifting off to sleep. A quiet time for himself with his brothers nowhere to be found.

Minutes or hours passed, Wamuu didn't know how long he was sleeping, although he dreamt of that florist from that shop he visited. Her lustrous eyes locked to his, that lovely smile melting his heart, her soft demeanor towards him shocked him. He dreamt more of her, he saw her braiding flowers together into a flower crown, placing it on his head.

"BROTHER!" Wamuu's peaceful look on his face disappeared as he heard the booming and dark voice of his brother Esidisi echoed upstairs. He thought Esidisi was out with Kars. Even so, this can't be good.

Esidisi's large feet hit loud and quick on the old wooden floorboards of the staircase and luckily he wouldn't meet the demise of getting stuck into one of the stairs with his recklessness. He'd act like those dramatic cats who get stuck in a drawer making a fuss about it. In this case, though, it's a bit exaggerated since he learned how to control his temper better. He had to and if he didn't, they'd exposed themselves-they can suck up and be nice to weaklings whenever they have to. Right now, they don't need to and that is why Wamuu knew he'll get more desperate and cranky if his older brother talks-especially his loudmouth brother Esidisi.

Wamuu opened his shut eyes when the footsteps stopped. He glanced up, expecting to find his brother towering over him, and right he was. Esidisi stood with hands on his hips and his glare darted below at Wamuu. At any second now, his brother would erupt into endless questionable angry queries about their plan to overtake the city. He couldn't hate or blame his brother because the three of them have waited for years to take action. For now, he has a brother to listen to.

"What is it, brother?" He grunted, forcing himself to smile in his presence while his body dipped on the cushion of the almost tattered couch. When he snuck deeper on the cushion, his eyes did the same thing before, blinking from the heavyweight of his eyelids-the ache in his back and shoulders easing at the soft cushion's support. The cough itself tempted him more to sleep as if it was whispering lies of comfort to him.

Esidisi arched his brows. "Have you found a better place to rest than this wretched place?" Asked Esidisi with a low snarl following up on his question.

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