Chapter 1

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🎵In IDOLiSH7's Dorm in the night🎵

"Riku-kun do you have cousins?" asked Sogo to Riku who was lying down on the couch.

"Yeah I have Sogo-san, why?"

"I may have a friend who is an idol too. Maybe he's working with your cousin."

"Oh! Who is he?"

"His name is Fuduki Kai." said Sogo while patting Riku's head.


"Nanase-san calm down-"

"Really Rikkun?! Is he nice?" asked Tamaki, surprised.

"Yea he's super nice. His childhood best friend(crush) also knows me!" said Riku while checking his phone for pictures.

"Riku, what is their group called?" asked Yamato while sipping on his beer can.

"OH YEA! THEIR GROUP IS CALLED PROCELLARUM! I WATCH THEIR VIDEOS LIVE IN MY ROOM WHEN I HAVE TIME AFTER TRIGGER's CDS!" said Riku with stars in his eyes. "His name is Haduki You, a member of Procellarum and he's older than all of us here in the dorm!"

"How is that Riku?" asked Mitsuki while putting on his apron to prepare dinner.

"He's the same age as Yamato-san here but he doesn't drink beer like him." said Riku while pointing to Yamato who had a blank poker face. "By the way Sogo-san, what was the name of your friend before you became an idol? Maybe I know him from somewhere." said Riku while sitting up while he found a picture of Procellarum.

"His name is Fuduki Kai. Riku-kun, are you sure you know him?" replied Sogo while giving the name of his friend.

"Oh I definitely know him alright." said Riku while smirking because he does it when he's planning for a 'Not Hiding Secrets' lecture by him to his older cousin.

"Nanase-san don't smirk. It doesn't suit you." said Iori blankly while scrolling through his phone on the couch.

"YOU-NII BETTER BE READY TOMORROW! I'M CRASHING TO THEIR DORMS AFTER MY WORK TO TORTURE HIM WITH MY 'NOT HIDING SECRETS' LECTURE BECAUSE HE DIDN'T SAY ME THE DETAILS THAT HE KNEW KAI-NII ALL ALONG!!! I'M CALLING YORU-NII NOW!!!" said Riku while standing up and scrolling through his contacts and finding Nagatsuki Yoru's contact and pressing it to ring. After 2 rings the other line picked up with Yoru on the phone.

'Moshi moshi? Who is this?' asked Yoru on the other line.

'MOU YORU-NII!!!! YOU ALREADY FORGOT ME!!! HIDOI NAAA!!!' said Riku through the phone.

'R-R-R-RIKU-KUN?!?!?!' stuttered a surprised Yoru on the phone.

'Yes it's me alright! ANYWAYS IS YOU-NII THERE?! WE WILL HAVE A TALK ABOUT SOMETHING WITH KAI-NII!!! Oh don't forget about 6 Gravity and Procellarum members too. I'm exposing You-nii on the phone~~' said Riku semi-shouting but not so loud.

'Sure Riku-kun. After all, when we were scouted we didn't really have much time to talk. I'm going to put it on speaker ok?'

'Okie. BTW MY GROUP IS HERE LISTENING TOO!!!' said Riku while shushing his other members to listen to the conversation first.

'That's nice, but we are just going to introduce ourselves later when we're complete.'

'If they are there when you call them, I'm putting my camera on.'

'Yeah, let me get them' said Yoru on the other side while putting his phone on the table.

"GUYS COME HERE IN THE COMMON ROOM!!! YOU CALL 6GRAVITY HERE TOO!!!" said Yoru from the common room by shouting to let them hear him.

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