Episode One: Part 4 { PREVIEW }

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"How long can it possibly take to ask for directions to Flat Ridge Rock?" Full the cheetah sighed out in question. "They've been talking forever!"

After they had gotten the idea to ask Mbeya the Rhinoceros for directions to Flat Ridge Rock where they were supposed meet up with Kion and Sauda, they'd located the rhino in question and had been stuck waiting for Beshte to get finished talking to Mbeya about directions.

"Beshte does like to talk," Bunga commented.

"Yes," Ono agreed. "But perhaps I'd better go talk to him."

The young egret then took flight and headed over to where the hippo members of the guard stood talking to his Rhino friend.

"You get to be my age, you never know what might happen!" said Mbeya, which had Beshte laughing in response.

Ono landed on the rock next to where his hippo friend stood. "Sorry to interrupt," the young egret coughed, gaining both the animals' attention. "But Beshte?" he turned to the young hippo. "We have to meet at Kion and Sauda? At Flat Ridge Rock?"

"Oh yeah!" Besthe exclaimed. "Guess I better be going. See you later, Mbeya."

"Later, Beshte," the Rhinoceros called out as the young hippo rejoined his friends.

Rejoining the rest of his friends, Besthe came to a stop at where the group was standing with a smile on his face. "So?" Fuli asked. "What did he say?"

Besthe looked at his cheetah friend and laughed joviantly, "You won't believe it," he began. "Remember that heatwave we had yesterday?"

"Yeah, I remember," Fuli answered. "It was hot."

Fuli stepped forwards slightly, seemingly getting impatient, "Now, what did Mbeya say?"

"He forgot to cover himself in mud!", Besthe answered innocently with a loud laugh.

"Why would Mbeya want to cover himself in mud, Big B?" Bunga asked the young hippo curiously, confused.

"That's how rhinos avoid sunburn," Ono answered the honey-badger's question. "Common knowledge."

Fuli then sighed audibly, vocalizing her growing frustration of getting nowhere in finding directions to Flat Ridge Rock. "I meant, what did Mbeya say about the directions?"

Besthe chuckled lightly, "Fuli, you don't need directions to cover yourself in mud. Just find a nice mud puddle and roll in it."

Apparently now fed up, Fuli sighed out in esasperstion under her breath before specifying what she was asking about. "Argh! Not directions for mud bathing," she groaned audibly. "Directions for getting to Flat Ridge Rock!"

Besthe's face lit up in recognition, "Oh, yeah! The directions to Flat Ridge Rock!" There was a pause in his speech as he looked a bit embarrassed at himself for a brief second before he admitted, "I forgot to ask."

"Be right back," he finished, running back over to Mbeya.

The rest of the guard members loudly groaned out in exasperation in unison at Besthe's confession.

"Yeah," Bunga commented, "Kion or Sauda would definitely would't forget something like that..."

The young cheetah member of the guard growled slightly at the mentioned of said dark fur clad lioness cub, yet went on speaking. "Again, she isn't a member of the guard," she stated. "We need to focus on finding Kion before her."

"Why doesn't Fuli like Suada?" Ono whispered to Bunga curiously.

The young honey-badger shrugged his shoulders to which Besthe and the young egret gave a surprised and curious but questioning look in the direction that Fuli had stalked off in.


Back in the canyon gorge where Kion was trapped in a bush, Sauda barely had time to get out of the way before Jasiri came nearly barreling into her. "Move out of the way Suada!"

Raising her muzzle, mouth opened and teeth exposed Jasiri began biting at the prickly thorns. "Hold still little prince," the female hyena stated with a mouthful of bush branches.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Kion exclaimed, immediately leaning away from the canid's actions.

"Getting you out of this thorn bush," Jasiri stated as if it were the most obvious thing. "If you'd just hold still!"

Kion stopped short at that statement, "What?"

Sauda also paused in her actions, having come back and continuing to pull thorns away from her friend. "Why would you help me?" the young prince questioned. "You're a hyena."

Jasiri did not seemed completely surprised. "You lions really do think all hyenas are bad!"

"I don't," Sauda chimed into the conversation.

"Alright, all lions except you," Jasiri corrected herself, giving the young lioness a strange look.

"All the ones I've met are," Kion nonchalantly countered.

"Like Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu?" Jasiri scoffed. "Well, I'm not like them."

Kion regarded the female canid skeptically still and even as she continued. "For one thing, they're males, which means they're foolish," she states with an almost superior attitude before turning back to face the lion prince. "No offense."

"I have to agree with you on that one," Sauda laughed lightly, making Kion turn to her in shock at her agreement with Jasiri's opinion.

"Sauda!" the young lion exclaimed. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Oh, I am!" his female feline companion was quick to reassure him. "However, it is true that girls are smarter than boys most of the time."

"Not all males are foolish," Kion stated, almost as if he were defending himself.

Jasiri was quick to counter his statement. "Says the male lion flat on his back, stuck in a bush!" the hyena cried out laughing.

"Even if you're right Jasiri, who exactly is the cause of him being stuck in this particular instance?" Sauda questioned with a raised brow.

The young canid actually had the decency to look slightly guilty for getting Kion stuck to begin with. By then said prince had also gotten tired of being pricked in places where he weren't supposed to be naturally.

"OK, okay fine!" He groaned. "Just get me out of here already!"

Sauda and Jasiri looked at each other once before nodding at one another and both going in to break away the dead thorn beaches.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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