I finished up with Trent, and then had a few more clients that I had scheduled after that. After I was able to get through everyone, I was ready to head out early, and call it a day. I went ahead and grabbed Nick's wallet, and set it in my purse. I headed out, to say goodbye to my receptionist, and then took out my phone so that I could look up Navy Street Gym on my GPS. Once I got the coordinates, I decided to just head over there, as is. I was already in my yoga pants and t-shirt, so I shouldn't be too out of the norm. While I was driving over there I found myself a little nervous. I really was not sure what to expect or if Nick would be thrilled to see me. I was also a little hesitant to step inside of a fighters gym, because the last memories I have inside of a gym like that was when I was with my dad when I was a little girl.

I turned on the music and cleared my head from the thoughts I was having. I followed the coordinates, and parked my car outside of the Navy Street Gym. As I stepped out of my car, I slammed the door shut and then pressed lock on my car keys. I placed my keys inside of my purse, and then headed inside of the gym.

I walked into the gym, and began to look all around for Nick. While I was scanning the room, my eyes stopped when I saw Nick's girlfriend, Harley, jamming her tongue down another guys throat. With my eyebrows creased, I quickly realized that Harley could not possibly be Nick's girlfriend, seeing as she was openly making out with another man, who had his hands all over her. I shook my head and continued to scan the gym floor with the same confused look on my face. Once I spotted Nick, I started to head over towards him and his little group of buddies. He was sitting off to the side with his brother, Jay, and with another guy, who was pretty young, and they were all just laughing their asses off. As soon as Nick saw me, his demeanor quickly changed. He must have realized that I finally figured out the truth about Harley. He looked a little worried, and I wouldn't blame him. I was a little perturbed that Nick would let me believe something that was not true. What was the reasoning behind that? Was he just trying to make me look stupid? I tried not to show how irritated I was, but I think it still showed. I watched as Nick got up quickly, and crutched over to me. We weren't far from his brother and his friend, so I know they could hear our conversation.

"So, do you let all of your girls make out with whoever they want or just your fake girlfriends? I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head to the side. Nick looked down and it annoyed me even more. It annoyed me that he was so attractive & seemed to get even more attractive each time I saw him.

 "Well, she is my friend, and she is a girl," he said with a chuckle which made me just roll my eyes

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"Well, she is my friend, and she is a girl," he said with a chuckle which made me just roll my eyes. "But she is also my step sister," he said, which took me back a little.

"Step sister? You two don't exactly act like brother and sister," I said as I gave him a weird look.

"Yah, we have always had more of a friendship. Not the typical brother, sister bond," he said as he tried explain their relationship to me. I still was missing the point on why he lied to me though.

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