Without asking he takes my headphones and puts them on. I play the clip and a small smile tucks at his lips as the fans are talking about how the band has helped them through some tough times. When the clip ends he shakes his head. He takes the headphones off and leans his arms on the back of the couch I'm sitting on. 'That's just crazy. Sometimes I forget how much we mean to the fans.'

I bite my lip and stare at my screen. If only he knew what they've helped me through in the past.

He's still lingering next to me, his head inches from mine. I can hear him breathe. For a second my brain isn't functioning but when I finally come around, I shut my laptop and lean over at the table to grab my camera.

'So, what exactly am I filming now?', I ask, getting up from the couch.

The boys gather around Blake's laptop and start playing a new song they recorded. Whilst Brad listens to it, he closes his eyes, bopping his head and tapping his fingers along to the beat. The whole time that they discuss the song, what sound they want on it and everything Brad could do with it, I have to try really hard not to direct the camera to Brad the whole time. But it's just so fascinating. He gets so into it, all those ideas pour out of him after he's listened to the song a couple times and the excitement is visible in his eyes. There's really only so much I can block my heart from but a person talking about something they love? Well shit, I'm a sucker for that.

 When they're done I stop the recording. I definitely have enough backstage footage for today, so I quickly stuff my laptop and the camera into my bag. I need to leave this room before Brad gets the idea to mention last night.

'Where are you going?', Reece asks confused.

'I'm meeting Maya at the hotel to get ready for the concert.' I look down on myself and chuckle. 'She thinks these clothes are not concert appropriate and has begged me to get properly ready with her for tonight.'

All the boys look at me amused. I roll my eyes. 'Oh don't even get me started, I know it's stupid. But you don't know what she gets like sometimes, I can't refuse her anything.' And before they can make any more comments about it, I walk up to the door. 'Good luck for tonight, I'll see you after the show', I say before I leave.


'I can't believe you talked me into wearing this dress', I say as I fiddle with the end of the material, pulling it down a bit. Maya ignores my comment. Instead she keeps going on about how excited she is for the show. And especially the time after the show. Some of James' old friends from home are coming tonight and plans are to get a little party going backstage afterwards. We both have vip passes hanging around our neck as we walk into venue. There's already quite a lot of people there but we've decided we don't really care about being close to the stage today. We just want to enjoy the evening, dance and get a couple drinks from the bar.

So that's the first place we're going.

After we both grabbed a beer we find a good spot in the crowd. Soon enough New Hope Club enters the stage and we both go off. By the time the Vamps get on we're each on our third beer. I completely forget it's the boys on stage because Maya and I are simply fooling around, dancing like we're in the club and I'm having the time of my life. When the last song comes on we're jumping with our hands high in the air. All the insecurities about my dress are long forgotten and in fact I'm really happy Maya convinced me to wear it. I gotta admit, I actually feel kinda sexy in in. Which is a nice thing to feel from time to time. It makes me feel good and somewhat confident.

When the boys walk off the stage, the screams eventually die down and I take Mayas hand and pull her with me through the crowd to head backstage. It's easy to figure out where everyone is because one of the dressing rooms is already filled with people and music is blasting through some speakers.

To Be Loved By You - Brad Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now