Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: We're at 1k reads now and I'm so happyyyyyy!! Thank you all!! Let me know what you think of this new chapter pls xx


The weak morning sunrays shine down on me, heating the black material of my running top. A couple strands of hair have fallen out of my ponytail and stick to my sweaty skin. This is my first run in a while and I feel like I'm flying. I've missed this.

When I get back to the hotel, Maya is still asleep. Quietly I take a couple fresh clothes from my suitcase and hop in the shower. 

The water hits my skin and I close my eyes. Without even trying I'm taken back to last night and I feel Brad's hands on my hips and our bodies moving in sync.

I dart my eyes open.


That was one time. One moment of weakness.

I can't keep thinking about him like that. About us.

I turn the water off and step out of the shower. After I get ready for the day and get out of the bathroom, Maya is still sprawled out under the sheets. Only this time she lifts her head and looks at me. 'Good morning dancing queen', she grins at me.

Sighing heavily, I fall down on the bed next to her. 'Please don't mention it.'

She rolls over, her eyes piercing me.

'What will you be doing today?', I ask her, trying to change the subject. Luckily for me, Maya rolls with it. 'I'm gonna take my laptop to the beach and do some reading for a university project.'

I laugh. 'Sounds like fun.'

'Hey, at least I get to go to a concert tonight. I can handle some boring reading before that.'

I roll onto my stomach. I still have some time left until I meet the fans. 'Are you having breakfast with me before I need to go?'

Maya instantly jumps out of bed and grabs her clothes. 'Give me five minutes.'

When we get downstairs, only a couple people from the crew are gathered in the breakfast room, so we enjoy some time just the two of us. I'm glad Maya doesn't mention last night again. Once we've finished, I leave her alone and get to the venue.

Whilst I find my way around the backstage area, looking for a good place to film with the fans, I realize it's been three days since I got the camera out last I've really gotten used to this work by now andI totally love it.

The afternoon proceeds as usual, I film some clips with the fans, then Reece, George and Blake arrive and I film their soundcheck.

'Hey Lizzy', Reece says when they walk off stage again. 'Brad has agreed to do some producing on one of our new songs and we're going through it later. You should film that.'

I pretend my heart did not just skip a beat at the mention of Brad and nod. 'Yeah sure, sounds good.'

Whilst the three boys are fooling around backstage, I start editing. I have my headphones on and concentrate on the clips on my laptop. A feeling of joy washes over me when I see the excitement in the fans faces.

I startle when a warm hand rest on my shoulder. I look up and stare into Brad's face. Slowly I pull my headphones down. He smiles at me and I try really hard not to – but I fail.

'What are you doing?', he asks and leans down to get a look at my screen. His face is dangerously close to me again.

'Editing the interview with the fans I did earlier.'

To Be Loved By You - Brad Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now