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Bisexual: a person who is attracted to those who identify as men, those who identify as women, and people who identify as neither. Different than pansexual, bisexual people have preferences.

"I swear to God if he tries anything with me today, I'll be ready", said Jo.

"You've been saying that for the last two weeks, why won't you just report him to the office or something", asked Nova.

Jo slammed her locker shut and leaned on it. "Because the staff won't do shit."

"No need to get pissy, I'm just worried something's going to happen to you, Jo", Nova snapped, "I'm worried you're going to get hurt or in trouble. Or both."

Jo let her face soften. She was outed forcefully by another girl. Jada was the bitch's name.

Jo had shut down her advances, so Jada told the whole school Jo tried to come onto her in the girls' locker room after gym.

Now everywhere Jo went she either got bullied or pitying stares. The worst was Collin Casey. Your average douchey jock that all the basic, Ugg- wearing, pumpkin spice latte drinking, "my foundation is so orange i could pass for a cheeto" girls chased.

Jo's heart dropped to her feet anytime he or his lackeys strutted down the hall towards her.

"I'm not going to get hurt, promise." Jo held out her pinky to Nova.

Nova linked her own pinky in. "You better not."

They get halfway through the day without running into Collin, but of course, their luck ran out.

Jo was about to grab her calculus books from her locker when it slammed shut. She pulled her arms back just before the door caught her fingers.

Collin loomed over her. "Still a dyke or did you change your mind?"

"I was never really a dyke to begin with, Collin", Jo stated, rolling her shoulders back and standing straighter, "I'm bisexual, there's a difference."

His eyes glittered with malice. "Oh, but you're still a fag?"

"Well, yeah", Jo says.

"In that case", Collin reaches around her and grabbed her ass, "I'll steal myself a piece of fruitcake."

If it hadn't been her, if his hand hadn't been bruising her ass, she may have cracked a smile at the pun. But it was her. His hand was bruising her ass.

Jo exhaled and Collin laughed at his joke. Mustering all her strength, Jo punched Collin full in his face.

Pain immediately shot up Jo's arm, but she barely felt it through the adrenaline coursing in her veins and the satisfaction of seeing Collin's face covered in blood.

Everyone in the hall froze in their tracks. The silence hanging above them was deafening and you could cut the tension with a butter knife.

"Stop harassing me", Jo snarled, yanking the front of his shirt.

Tears streamed down his face and blood gushed from his nose. "Christ, you're fucking insane", he whispered

Jo smiled and shoved him backwards. She turned and made her way through the hall to Nova who was watching, eyes wide with shock.

"Okay, let's go to class", Jo beamed. Nova only nodded.

People parted before Jo and Nova. Their faces were slightly blurred, but Jo could see kids smiling and looking at her with admiration.

"Get to class", called a teacher. Even the teacher smirked at Jo.

Since then, neither Jo nor Nova were bothered by Collin or any other homophobe.


Was this entire story based on a single pun? Yes. Yes it was. Do I regret it? No, I do not. Stay hydrated and STAY GAY


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