Sick of it (Fluff)

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I knocked on the door of the bunker lightly. I attempted to balance the tray that the food had been on.

"Come in," I heard a scratchy and deep voice murmur.
I opened the door softly.

"Morning Dean," I said, laying the tray of soup text to him.
"Morning, Y/N," he looked at the food.
"Holy shit, did you make this?"
He looked up at me, a grin crossing his face that gave me butterflies.
"Yeah, hah. I did. Why? Does it look like shit?"
"No, no. It looks perfect." Dean said, smiling.

I sat on his bed on the other side of him I'd previously been standing over.

I glanced at the clock. 6:26 AM.
"Oh, I'm sorry for waking you up so early." A worried expression crossed my face.

"You're okay, Y/N. I couldn't sleep anyway. This sickness friggin' sucks." He said in a stuffed-nose voice.
It was cute.

I smiled.

"I'd rather be with you in here than by myself, anyhow."

I hugged him, his smooth, warm and bare skin pressed against my chest.
He pulled me in closer.

"Thank you," he whispered into my ear.
"Of course," I smiled, kissing his cheek.

He traced his hand down my face gently and kissed me.

"Stay in here for a while, will you?"

"As you wish," I teased.

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