chapter seven: you're cute i guess?

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"what?" haruto asked him, eager for an answer from junkyu.

"ye-n... no! no you look okay and if you hate me so much then i'll just separate myself from you so goodbye" junkyu said in a rush while pushing haruto away with all his might and moving his desk and chair farther away from the boy while continuing to avoid eye contact with him, hoping to not gain haruto's attention.

haruto grabs junkyu's chair and pulls it closer to him which scares the boy sitted on it. they were inches away from each other's faces and what made it harder for junkyu was that the younger leaned closer to his face then whispered something in his ear.

"i don't want you to go. just stay with me here, it's fun when you're here"


- treasure high's court ; 11:02 am
after a pretty embarrassing morning, junkyu's day eventually worsened and now he was forced to chose between haruto and junghwan, two people who have been precious to junkyu. they were playing dodgeball and coincidentally, the two boys who have been fighting over junkyu were made the leaders of their teams. everyone got chosen to join a team and now the new student was left alone teamless.

"you wanna join my team?" junghwan asked junkyu with a smile while grabbing his arm and leading him to his group's side.

"oh su-"

junkyu gets interrupted and he feels his arm get pulled in the opposite side. it was haruto who was angry at junghwan's attempt to add junkyu to his team.

"he's mine"

these two words caused the entire class to squeal at it. obviously haruto meant that junkyu was supposed to be in his team but with the way he said it, they sounded like they had a different meaning. junghwan grabs junkyu's other arm and pulls it closer to him again. they both played tug of war over junkyu like two kids fighting over a candy bar. junkyu had enough of it and was extremely tired after everything that has happened today, he was embarrassed in front of the whole class and he hated it.

"shut up both of you! just stop it!" junkyu shouted while freeing his hands from their grasps. he walks out of the court while his classmates watched him angrily stomp his way outside. he just wanted to be an obscure person in school, not the one causing or being part of the drama. a normal life in his new school, that was what he wanted.

as he was walking outside of the campus to get some air, he caught 3 boys arguing and one of them seemed to be his brother, doyoung.

"i've always been here for you doyoung, but why do my efforts never seem enough for you? why can't you pick me?" an indistinct voice said with a trembling tone probably from crying.

junkyu walked away and entered his classroom to give them three some space. he wasn't in the mood to step in and help them fix what was wrong because he himself couldn't get himself together. junkyu sat down on his chair and started to sob the pain away. he hated being the center of attention, especially in situations like these. in his old school, he was bullied by his entire class for being gay and liking guys. the painful words they directed at him still hurt him a lot and caused big wounds on him which were almost impossible to fully heal.

the boy continues to cry silently in the room and it made him feel just slightly better. after a couple minutes of crying his pain out, junkyu stood up to leave and go back to the court to finish his school work there. as he was walking out, junkyu accidentally bumps into a desk which was his seatmate's. a notebook falls down and he picks it up to return it back to where it belonged. junkyu's curiousity led him to scroll through haruto's notebook which were filled with tiny shinchan drawings and random scribbles. he continued to flip the pages of his notebook and found one particluar jotting that made his heart drop.

 he continued to flip the pages of his notebook and found one particluar jotting that made his heart drop

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(a/n: i found this really cute omg 🥺)

it's okay that's love. | harukyu & jaewoo [TREASURE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora