☄*ೃ Two☄*ೃ

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Third Pov:

Y/n and Eret had sparred together for a bit. They were tied up, each having won twice and agreed to go one more round to determine the winner. Fundy had made his way over to the two not long into their training session.

Fundy stood off to the side of the training area, his eyes narrowed as they glanced from Y/n to Eret and then back again. He took note of their steady stances and focused gazes.

Y/n narrowed their e/c eyes as Fundy began the count down for the final round to begin. They glanced at Eret's face, trying to make out her expression.

Y/n Pov:

As soon as Fundy finished the countdown, I rushed towards Eret with my wooden sword held high in an attempt to strike him. They dodged my attack with ease, stepping to the side. I quickly spun around, holding my sword in a defensive position, successfully blocking her attack.

I shifted my stance so that my dominant foot was placed forward, with my non-dominant foot being slid back a bit in order to make it harder for Eret to knock me over. I gritted my teeth as I put all of my weight into my swing towards Eret.

I could tell she wasn't used to deflecting attacks with only a sword, but we had agreed to spar without using shields to make it more interesting. I ducked out of the way of another swing from the wooden sword. My eyes widened a bit as I lost my footing, but I managed to regain my balance just in time to jump out of the way of another swing.

"Come on, Y/n! You got this!" Fundy cheered from the sidelines. I had almost forgotten he was there. I swung an attack back at Eret, our swords clashing with a loud "thunk." I glanced up, looking into his sunglass. I grinned and she looked almost confused, their eyebrows furrowed slightly.

I pulled back from my attack, making Eret stumble back slightly from the sudden lack of pressure put against them. I stuck my foot out behind his as he staggered backwards causing them to fall onto their back. I quickly placed the dull tip of my wooden sword near their neck.

"You fought well," I said as I tossed the practice sword to the side and offered her my hand. Eret accepted it and I helped pull them back to their feet. We both turned our heads at the sound of clapping. Fundy immediately engulfed me in a hug.

"I knew you could do it Y/n!" He said excitedly, turning to Eret. "You did okay too I guess," Fundy said with a soft laugh. It was only then that I noticed Wilbur approaching the three of us. He had a smile on his face, but I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"Yes, Fundy's right. You both fought very well," Wilbur complimented. He stopped for a moment, as if he was trying to find the right words to continue with. "If you don't mind, I would like to speak with Y/n," He spoke, pausing briefly before speaking the final word, "alone."

I could feel my heartbeat getting faster as a wave of anxiety flooded over me. I didn't let my facial expressions exchange that though. I couldn't help but wonder what this was about.

'Wilbur is my best friend, I'm sure it's really nothing to worry about,' I thought to myself as Eret and Fundy nodded. Wilbur and I watched the two of them head back to whatever they were working on before the training session.

"When I said you fought well, I meant it," Wilbur began as soon as he knew the others were out of earshot. "I want you to train the others as much as you can while we still have time. I want to prepare as much as possible these next few days," Wilbur went on to explain.

"We're going to need to need everyone to be better fighters since you won't be fighting," My eyes widened as he added that last part onto his instructions. I didn't hear whatever he had to say after that.

"I'm sorry, go back. What do you mean I won't be fighting?" I could feel my throat feeling the slightest bit raspy as I raised my voice at him. Wilbur's face contorted into confusion as if he didn't see a problem with what he just said.

"I'm the best fighter L'Manburg has, and you really think I'm going to sit on the sidelines while everyone else fights for our independence?" I shouted at him, which probably wasn't the smartest move considering he was the leader of the revolution.

"Y/n-" Wilbur began to speak again, but I soon cut him off with more yelling. "I know you aren't happy about this, but I promised them-"

"I know what you promised them! I'm not defenceless, I can take care of myself. Why do you think I left? They think I need constant protection, that I'm too vulnerable. I thought you of all people would realize that I'm not a fucking child anymore, Will," I stormed off away from Wilbur before he even had the chance to respond.

I made my way across to the far side of L'Manburg where I had built a house when I first arrived. I didn't stay in there much, just kept my stuff there. I preferred to be in the camarvan, closer to everyone else. I often came here when I needed to relax and have some time to myself.

I took off my scabbard that harbored my sword and placed it on the table in my kitchen. After rummaging through some chests I finally found what I was looking for, my flint and steel.

I struck the two pieces together in my fireplace, creating a small fire. I moved back to put the flint and steel back into the chest I had gotten it out of. However, I couldn't remember which one it was, so I placed it into any chest that had the space in it.

I grabbed a book from one of the bookselves I had in my living room and sat down on the couch by the fire. I figured reading would take my mind off of the argument that occurred with Wilbur only minutes before.

As I was reading I heard a knock at the door. A few moments passed and I didn't bother going to get the door. The knock came again, and I continued to ignore it, just wanting time to myself. The person at the door, I assumed was Wilbur, eventually gave up and left.

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A/n: I'm so sorry this took forever to get out! I rewrote it so many times because I suck at writing fighting, and I'm still not really happy with how it turned out, but I've messed with it too much at this point-
I hope y'all have a wonderful day/night/whenever and remember to take care of yourselves, drink lots of water! <3

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