chapter 2: the Hunter's cabin

Start from the beginning

Heavy breathing triggered my fight or flight response and before I knew it I raised of the ground. I shot forward, not processing anything that surrounded me. the world around me went into a blur, and I heard six calling out " Crow kid"! I turned around, know hovering.                                          They where captured by a man with a green jacket, and a big bag over his head with a hole in it. A strange feeling filled my being, I was angry, angry that my friend was captured, scared for what might happen.                                                                                                                                                                        I didn't think twice, I hurried towards Six's captor, and received a blow to the head with a foreign object.

A black void and a single tune, mesmerizing and relaxing. Was I dying? I tried opening my eyes and I was surprised when saw a faint light. I tried to get up, but as soon as I sat up my head almost busted open from pain. I gripped it, but of course it had no use. There was dim lighting in this room, but it was still too bright for my suddenly sensitive eyes.                                                            The soft tune in the background became louder as I gained back my conscious of what was happening around me.                                                                                                                                                        I looked around, and everywhere I looked there was dust. The floor was made out of wood and some small clutter was on the floor and the table behind me.                                                                          The door looked battered and had holes in it. Tally marks like the ones in my room covered the wooden walls, from floor to ceiling. " As you can see I've been here thousands of times, it's like a endless cycle" the voice of Six made me jump almost a thousand feet in the air. " This musicbox is the only thing that keeps me sane, but at the same time it' my kryptonite" she said, melancholy and a slight anger in her voice. 

It was like she was gonna go insane. I heard tiny footsteps outside of our room. Again our peace was disrupted."Don't worry, there is no danger yet, I know what's going to happen" she said calmly, still playing the music from the musicbox " But, maybe this time it's different" I said, slightly panicked and ready to fight of anything that would come in.                                                          " I mean, I'm with you now for the first time" I was convinced that danger would find us. " don't worry, he never changes" she said with a sad smile.                                                                                              I heard something dragging across the floor, something like metal " get under the table"! I whisper yelled.                                                                                                                                                                       I stood in front of Six as the creature outside Slammed a foreign object into our door, and it sounded like they struggled slamming it. After three times the hole was big enough for the being to go through. They dropped the object and came walking in cautiously, looking around. 

His head was a weird rectangle with two holes in it, much like the guy who captured us. He wore a greenish coat which was as long as a labcoat but didn't look like one. He wore brown pants and a grey blouse underneath their coat.                                                                                                              He reached out his hand " hey, it's okay, I won't hurt you guys" he said reassuringly. I was suspicious of them though. I spread my wings out a bit, keeping Six hidden behind me. "no need to protect us crow, Mono would'nt hurt us" Six said, laying a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, I couldn't read her expression. But she looked completely calm.                                                      The person 'Mono' tilted his head slightly to the side. " H-how do you know my name"? he said in a quiet but raspy voice. Six grinned and pushed me aside gently, standing face to face with theboy. She put both hands onto his shoulders, which made me flinch a bit, how reckless could they be?                                                                                                                                                                                    " Okay, listen to me, we are gonna get out of here together, after we enter the Pale city, we are gonna part ways again, you're cunning enough to figure out your way on your own, and you'll get where you need to be" Six said, staring into the two holes like they were eyes. The guy tensed up a little bit, seemingly scared of Six. "A-aye aye c-captain"! he said with a shiver in his voice. 

He looked at me, less tense then before. "Do you know me as well, uh, Crow was it"? he asked, tilting his head again. I gave him a frown, all though he probably couldn't see it clearly due to the hair hanging in front of my face. " It's crow kid, and I've never seen you before"                                      I said with disdain in my voice. His shoulders seem to sink just somewhat lower, and he shrunk himself down.                                                                                                                                                                        " Oh well, Let's get this over with" Mono said. He took Six's hand and attempted to grab mine but I pulled away "who said I was going with you?" I said to him, already very pissed about him holding Six's hand and trying to grab mine. Who does he think he is?                                                         " Crow kid, please just trust me. Everything would be fine under my watch" Mono said in a cheery voice.                                                                                                                                                                      Six looked away, this was no good. " well then, Six seems to want to be around you a little longer, so I'll stick around just for her" He reached out again. " I'm not gonna hold your hand" I said, grabbing Six's instead.

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