P9 - Fighting

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After seeing Jaden and locking eyes with him for a solid 5 seconds I looked at Josh who was standing next to me "You okay?" He asked putting his hand on my back. "Yeah I'm fine, let's go". We went to sit at the table and Josh put his hand on mine to comfort me and I felt happy again. We all started to talk and laugh and I actually did enjoy it. Jaden sat across the table and he didn't talk much so I guessed it was because that girl couldn't come to the party or whatever, but you know what I could not give a flying shit anymore. I need to do whats best for me.

Jadens pov

I sat at the table at the party and I was fine with everything, I knew Mads and I were finally over for good now and I could enjoy my life again. Then I saw them. Josh and Mia came outside and we looked each other in the eye for like 5 seconds. She looked amazing, I have actually never seen someone so beautiful in my life. And then all of a sudden I see Josh putting his hand on her back and they were whispering. Josh gave me like a death stare when he sat down next to her just across the table and I had no idea what I did wrong. Then I saw Josh putting his hand in top of hers and I felt a rage of anger going through me. Are they together now?

Mia's pov

We sat and talked then all of a sudden Josh squeezed my hand and whispered to me "Let's go dance" I smiled and nodded. We stood up and went to the dance floor and started to jump and fool around. 2 minutes of jumping and all of a sudden a slow song started playing. Josh pulled me closer and I put my head on his chest and we just rocked side to side with his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. I felt so safe actually. I really felt like Josh was one of my real friends and he knew what I was going through, the fact that he is helping me to not think of Jaden shows that. I suddenly felt him tickling me. "Josh stop" I said laughing out loud. I tried to get away laughing but he just pulled me close while he was chuckling. He kept on tickling me and I couldn't get him to stop. Then I saw someone walking towards us. Jaden. He took my hand and pulled me to the side. "Mia can I ask you something?" My heart turned. "Yeah of course" my chuckling had stop. We walked a bit further from the dance floor and the table full of people. "Whats going on between you and Josh?" "What do you mean?" "Uhm well B-Bryce wanted to know because we see you flirting and also him holding your hand and uh yeah." "BRYCE wanted to know?" I asked knowing he lied. "Uhm yeah" "Okay then I'll just go talk to him about it" I said as I began to walk away. I knew Bryce had nothing to do eith this. He took my hand and pulled me back. "Mia don't act like this." I've had enough I thought. How can he ask me this when he slept with a girl at home. "Jaden you don't have the right to ask me." I said as my voice began to raise. "How the hell can you ask me about flirting with Josh when I saw a fucking girl leave your room at home with her shoes in her hand knowing what you two did." Tears began to form in my eyes as I basically shouted at him. "Mia" he paused. "I didn't do anything with her. Mads is my ex and she came to get her jacket at the house and when we were together she always took her shoes off before coming in my room and I guess she didn't put them on when she walked out. We are over 100% I don't love her anymore." I felt so embarrassed standing there. Shit Mia you are the biggest fucking dumbass. "I'm- I'm sorry I didn't know" "It's fine, I didn't tell you so I can't blame you for thinking that something did happen." I stood there looking at the ground not knowing what to say. "Hey" he said with a half smile lifting my chin up. "Can you tell me what uhm is the story with you and Josh tho" he said shyly. I started to chuckle. "Hossler there is nothing going on between me and Josh, he is my best friend and he comforted me and tried to help get my mind of you, thats all" "Ohhh" he said looking down. I barged out saying :"I'm so sorry for assuming you're fuckboy and that you were with Mads. I really am. I- I think I'll just go" Then I turned around and just as I started walking...

A/N - Oeee cliffhanger
Lol sorry. I hope you like the story so far🙃 things will start to get fun soon

870 Words

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