Behind the gym

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"Sensei! May I go to the toilet?" I was trying to concentrate on the first part to differentiation when I suddenly had the urge.

Mikasa-sensei who was writing out an equation halted and looked back at me with a nonchalant face and muttered, "just go, I'm not your mom."

I huffed out a small thanks to her and walked to the door in the back of the classroom since it was the closest one. As I was walking toward the door, my sixth sense is tingling. I looked back at the source of it and are met with a pair of blue eyes looking up at me with a hint of wariness.


When Momiji-kun noticed I was staring back at him he looked back at the blackboard casually. I didn't think much of it so I continued on my way.

After I finished with my business I walked out of the toilet and jumped back when I saw Momiji-kun leaning his back on the wall outside of the toilet.

"M-Momiji-kun? What- why are you standing there??" I asked and chose to stand far away from him, scared that he might be a pervert who loves to peep on girls.

"..." he straightened his back and faced me coolly. His blue eyes looked me up and down in silent.

When I tried to ask him again, he cut me off with a tch.

"Excuse me?" I was offended and thought he was trying to pick a fight but then he muttered lightly so only I can hear.

"Meet me after school behind the gym. Alone." He said simply and turned around to leave but I was very confused so I called out to him.

"Wait. Momiji-kun! Why do you want to--"

"--I'll tell you later. And remember... come alone. Don't even bring that rude friend of yours." he said firmly as if warning me. He walked away leaving me alone in front of the toilet and I stood there trying to figure out his true intentions.

After school... behind the gym... ALONE. DON'T TELL ME!

A love confession?!

"AHAHAHHA! OH MY GOD, I'm so full of myself that it's so funny! No way he like me, we met like just this morning. He'll be crazy if he did, AHAHAHA!!"

I laughed a bit more in the hallway and only stopped when a girl whose trying to enter the toilet looked at me weird. I coughed a bit before straightening my skirt. When I returned to classroom, I couldn't help but snickered to myself when I saw the back of Momiji-kun head in front of me as he was trying to answer a question. He looks like he's struggling with math. Ohoho, I found his weakness.

The school sessions ended peacefully when the bell rang throughout the school. The rest of my classmate whispered excitedly among themselves in celebration of the end of first day back to school.

"Yahoo! Mission completed!" Hina said as she was already standing next to me, her bag in hands.

"What mission?" I giggled as I saw her stretching like a little cat after a nap.

"Surviving first day and Mikasa-sensei's class!" she said proudly as she waited for me to gather my stuff.

As I zipped my bag I recalled back to our class with her, "ahh did you see her? She looks calmer today."

"Right! Maybe it has something to do with her fiancé, what's his name again? Erin? Aaron?" Hina pulled me up along with her and both of us left the classroom to walk home like we usually did.

"It's Eren, Hina." the same name as my favourite crazy anime character but unlike him, this Eren guy is actually a cool friendly person. He's the total opposite of Mikasa-sensei. We met him at last year Culture Festival.

Anyway, I just recalled that I promised another cool friendly guy to meet after school earlier. What he wants to talk about anyway? Math tutoring?

"Hina! I'm sorry I forgot. Miss Ako from the library want to talk to me about librarian stuff. You know I was the only Library Committee last year and she's hoping this year I would be too." I pulled the responsibility card in front of my best friend. Lying through my teeth without batting an eyelash.

I never realized I'm a good liar.

Hina being the naive good girl she is believed in her best friend lies and smiles in understanding. We promised each other to eat meatbun after school tomorrow (I'll be the one to buy her the meatbun).

"See you tomorrow!" I see her off from the school gates and watched her small figure fade into the crowd of students. I felt a little sad that I lied to her but he doesn't anyone to hear. It could be he was asking for help in math and would be embarrassed if someone other than me know.

I sighed and walked back into the school compound. I strolled down the school ground, taking my time on my way to gym. The school had Sakura's tree planted around them thanks to the principal so I leisurely take a walk under them. Unfortunately, they weren't in full bloom yet. Judging by the plump buds on the slick branches it might not be long before we can have our Sakura viewing picnic where the whole school would do nothing but fun and memorable activities and competition.

We had one of those last year, and when I thought about it I can't help but smile at the heartwarming memories. I hope the Sakura tress bloom quickly this year.

As I was walking passed the old building of the school I feel a weird presence...

This part of the school always unnerve me. This building was used about fifteen years ago as the third year's building but it was made of wood. One day out of nowhere, the highest floor, the third floor's roof collapsed badly. Fortunately, it collapsed in the night so no student were injured. Since then they had to close it and moved the students in the building I used now. The building should be gone by now but there's a reason as for why it hasn't be demolished yet. Only the school principals and old staff knew.

I look behind me and see no one there. I turn my head like a chicken to left and right confirming nobody is there. Although I felt relieved seeing no one, there is this small anxiety deep inside me. I know wh just now is the stare of someone.


As I was about to take a step further, I heard a small sound similar to a door or window being slided open. My heart that was beating fast just now is currently thumping crazily inside my ribcages. My body stiffed automatically and my brain whispered 'look back' and not 'run'.

Before I was able to tell myself to do the latter, something grabbed me. They grabbed me tightly around the upper body and knocked out the oxygen from my perfectly healthy lungs. I was harshly pulled back right through the window, I think.

I can't really think straight when my  from the tight grip. I was gasping for air as I landed inside the old creaking building. I looked up and saw the wooden ceiling.

"W-who? Who is it?! Why are you doing this??" I yelled into the darkness and none answered. I get irritated easily and I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I was a little afraid there might be more than one assailant. I've learnt karate but I haven't reach the black belt yet and I'm not that good with fighting against group of people more so in a dark and cramped space.

I urged myself to stop thinking and just do the right thing.

I gathered my courage and raised my head to look around. I can only see the dark lining of an abandoned classroom with cobwebs and broken furnitures. I sat up and squinted my eyes searching for the window ignoring the fact that someone is definitely here watching my moves. Although dark and dusty, I managed to find the one I entered from. I started crawling towards the window.

I crawled over and over but it feels like the wall is running away from me. I guessed it has been more than five minutes but no matter what I do, the window never moved away from that spot. If feels as if I'm stuck crawling forever.

"What? Why is the-"

"-window so far away?"

Finally, a voice spoke clearly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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