Sensei wtf

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“Ayaaa! I miss you!” Hana and I are best friends since we were in elementary school. She's a kind girl but kinda talk to much when she's excited especially before class started. She always have something to talk about.

“Hana, we just met like a week ago shopping for school's stuff remember?” I giggled as she hugged me like I was going somewhere.

“Of course I remember but a week is like a year to me!” she pouted and sits on my desk next to the window as we talked about our holiday.

“Hey you, that's my seat.” a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes suddenly came out of nowhere.

“A foreigner?!” Hana who was taking the guy's supposed space shrieked when she saw the guy's face.

“How rude, I'm half-Japanese! Now that you know, can you move away from my seat??” the guy yelled annoyed by the still shocked Hana.

“O-oh sorry...” Hana moved away from the guy's seat and returned to her seat at the front of the class. My seat was basically at the far end of the classroom right side while the guy earlier took a sit in front of me.

He seems pissed off thanks to Hana's big mouth. I stared at the back of his head and our eyes met as he stared right back at me. I jolted up in my seat and averted my eyes to the front of the classroom pretending I didn't stared at him. I can see from the corner of my eyes he was still staring at me, and it makes me so uncomfortable.

Thankfully, the homeroom teacher arrived and introduced himself.

“I'm Takashiro Muzan, your homeroom and biology teacher. As you can see I'm new here and so are a few of you. So I want each of you to introduce yourself. Name, where you're from, hobbies, ambition, and add anything if you want.” there it goes, the feared self introduction to start the school year. Everyone will be watching and hearing each words you say and if you mess up you will be humiliated for the rest of the year.

“Starting from you there, twintail girl.” sensei pointed out to the first person of the row, Hana.

“Oh, nice to meet you all! My name is Takako Hana! Just call me Hana or Hana-chan, whichever you like. I had been in this area since I was small. I love to cook in my free times and I'm aiming to be a professional chef!” Hana said nonstop making almost everyone laughed at her.

“Woo, there she goes, the famous bullet train!”

“The masterchef *whistle*!” almost everyone in this class is our classmate from the previous class so it was no surprise to hear these kind of comments.

“All right, settle down everyone! Next!” Sensei smiled as he too was affected at the cheery atmosphere. The introductions continued with the person behind Hana.

It goes on normally until the new guy's turn.

“Momiji Sakura. I transferred here from Saint Louis Private School. Hobbies are reading and curs- cleaning. Ambition is jujuts- I mean a priest.”

His introduction is... a bit dry. There's no cheeriness is his voice. I- no, everyone can tells he's not the friendly type. Though I was kinda interested in him when he mention his hobbies and ambition. It was like he was trying to say something else before he deliberately changed it.

“... Uh... wonderful, Momiji. Next!” Muzan-sensei wiped away the nervous sweat as we continued on. It's my turn...

“Um, my name is Asakusa Ayato. You can just call ma Aya or Ayato. I have been here since I was born. My hobbies are reading and playing tennis. My ambition, uh... I haven't decided yet.” I sighed to myself as I sat down back.

“You haven't decided yet?” Sensei suddenly asked interested in me.

“Yes, I have a lot of dreams that I can't decide on one.” I laughed awkwardly as I rubbed my neck behind me.

“Oh, don't worries. It will naturally come to you.”


The first period, homeroom ended and the homework is to decide who will be the monitor. The next few periods was with the same teachers from the year before. When the recess times finally come, Hana was the first one to come to my seat followed by two old classmates, Ruka and Mika.

“Aya, let's go. There's something I really want to talk about.” Hana said linking her arm with mine as she pulled me. She glared a bit at the boy behind her, Momiji-kun as the four of us left for the cafeteria.

“Hana, you know it's not nice to glare at people especially if it is his first day.” I muttered to Hana as we walked side by side towards the stairs.

“Aya, he kinda yelled to me over a simple seat. Maybe he could said it more gently!” Hana pouted as she clinged to me.

“Okay okay. He was a bit rude earlier too but you were the one calling him foreigner.” Mika said poking Hana's side. She giggled as she poked her back.

“Hahaha, Hana always had small grudges. Talking about Momiji, he's kinda cute don't ya think?” Ruka smilled giddily at the rest of us with twinkles in her eyes.

“Huh? Are you blind? He's so dry like his self intro. Maybe he needs some rain on him.” Hana giggled followed Ruka and Mika.

“You guys that's not very nice. Now that I remembered, I met a cute guy near the school today.” I tried changing the subject but immediately regretted it as the three girls eyes were brimming with curiosity for new gossips.

*Gasp* I can't believe it! How did he looked like??” Ruka asked excitedly.

“Um, he has dark hair and eyes, and long eyelashes too~ oh he's so beautiful and handsome...” I put my hand together almost as if praying in gratefulness.

“Ooohh! Is he from this school?? What year is he??” Hana whispered as we pulled over the nearest table in the cafeteria.

“Umm... I didn't asked but I think he's not. He's wearing a dark uniform with a unique design and a unique pin. I don't think I've seen it around here before...” and with that the three curiousity of the girls died down with heavy sighs.

“Awwh, what a waste. Did you at least asked his name?” Mika who was silently hearing the answers finally asked.

“Oh, I did. He said it was Fushiguro Megumi!” I said kinda loud since I was so happy thinking about him.


“Yeah, I know. He thought it was girly himself but I thinks his name is perfect!” I said in awe as I ate my rolled egg in bliss.

“Oohh, look who's in love!” Hana nudged me with her eyebrows wriggling.

I nudged her back playfully and we eat our bentos while talking and laughing once or twice. At that time I shivered and thought it was the breeze, not noticing two people were staring at me from afar.

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