(One-shot) Welcome aboard

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Camera POV:

A young man takes a seat in front of the camera crew.

(Randy Ohman)

(Randy Ohman)

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Randy: Hi. I'm Randy Ohman. I just graduated from The Maritime Academy.

Randy: I got my Captain's papers, but it'll probably be a while before I become a captain.

Randy: Uhhh... After some recent events, not a lot of companies are taking on new recruits.

Randy: But luckily, I found myself a spot on a vessel called the "S.S Fuc U".

Randy: Unfortunate name, but with how things are, I'll take what I can get

Randy:(gestures to camera) This vessel is getting some kind of documentary, so it can't be as bad as its name.

(Onboard the S.S Fuc U)

(Jebediah Fuckers; First mate/Captain)

Jebediah: Why is this ship called the S

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Jebediah: Why is this ship called the S.S Fuc U?

Jebediah: Well its full name is the S.S Fuc U the tenth or Fuc U X.

Jebediah: But the reason they're called Fuc U is that that is the first sentence ever spoken on every ship.

Jebediah: I remember it now... My mother gave birth to me, held me in her arms, and went... "F*** you".

The camera guy:(mumbles) Going to have to bleep that one out...

Jebediah: Huh? The f*** you say?

Jebediah: Oh s*** do you guys do them censorship bull c***!?


Jebediah: F***!! I wanted to show boobies on the show! I gotta get out of this contract.

He gets up and knocks down his chair.

Jebediah: Censor this, you f***s!

He pulls down his pants which are blurred out for the audience. Gebadia then waddles away with his pants around his feet.

Welcome aboard to The S.S Fuc U (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now