Chapter 25

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Ophelia's pov:

I pack my room up at my father, hoping to be gone before he gets home, throwing all my clothes into trash bags and all of my things into boxes I found by a Walmart dumpster.

I hear heavy foot steps coming to my room, taking a sharp inhale preparing for what's to come, I tightly shut my eyes when my door clicks open.

"Ophelia Lawrence what in the hell are you doing?" My father raises his voice as I open my eyes letting out a sigh.

"Leaving" I simply say with no emotion or expression, I finish taping the last box.

 "Like hell you are" He yells, I tighten the grip on the box to console my anger.

"I am, I'm about to be 17 so I think I can make that decision" I calmly reply, his forehead is creasing as his fist close.

"Where are you gonna go" He sighs in defeat knowing I'm right.

"Grandfathers" I hum grabbing my phone from my back pocket to text my grandpa to come help me move.

"If you leave and go with him there's no coming back to live here" He fumes making me raise an eyebrow.

"good" I sarcastically smile.

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately but you are not my daughter" He says rubbing is temples.

I don't say anything, not that I don't want to but I have nothing to reply to that with. After my grandfather got here my father left, I have never seen him so angry it was like fire coursed through his veins. 

We packed all my boxes putting them in my grandfathers and also my car, My grandfather asked me to move in once I told him about my fathers constant scolding and arguing, Of course I agreed.

Once we arrived at the beautiful suburban house, he told me I could pick any room besides the master, I ran into the house with a child like excitement to look around for room.

I find the perfect room, twice the size of my room at dads and it also has a bathroom connected to it.

My grandpa stands in the door frame watching me smile in excitement.

"Found your room?" He question with a small smile on his face.

"Yea the view is amazing" I smile laughing a bit.

"I knew you'd pick this one, we have practice in 2 hours, so lets carry up these boxes and then you can unpack later, sound like a plan" He voices.

"Yea" I beam.

we carried up the boxes and i just unpacked some stuff until practice, I grabbed my gym bag and a water bottle and headed to the dojo. My grandfather left early so he could do something, I'm not really sure what.

I open my car door and get in, starting my car and pulling out of the driveway, I drive past houses and continue driving until I'm in the dojo parking lot.

I walk in, behind another guy, I go off to the side to take my shoes off and put my Gi on over my clothes.

While I put my shoes in my bag, I think of Robby, I'm gonna persuade him to join cobra Kai, the larusso's are not good for him. 

I see Hawk goofing around with some mutual friends, I roll my eyes and fall in to stretch. 

I walk up to Tory and Hawk talking, since me and Hawk decided to be friendly well I agreed to be friendly after his constant annoying apologizing. 

"I didn't think you'd actually do it" Tory admitted to Hawk. I smirk, he had a little motivation from me.

"They got what they deserved for what they did to Ophelia" he plainly utters, anger fills my chest what about what he did to me, No Ophelia, you have to be friendly remember. 

Ophelia~Hawk/Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now