Blindt x Delta

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"When I said I had a day off, that didn't mean I wanted to spend it sitting still for several hours straight."

Blindt looks up from his canvas to glare at Delta. "And what would you do instead? Hang out with Dante?"

"No." Delta has to hold back a smirk. He knows how jealous Blindt can get, especially when it comes to Dante. Delta would rather avoid Dante's hugs, anyways. "I'd probably get some sleep."

"Well then, you can sleep when I'm done with this. You know I'm a quick worker."

There's a few moments of silence before Delta tilts his head. "Would you sleep with me?" Blindt nearly drops his brush at the question. Delta continues, "in the literal way, of course. I sleep best when you're with me."

Blindt smiles. "Of course I will! But move your head back to where it was. I need you to be perfectly still."

Delta huffs as he goes back to his original position. It's nothing too fancy- more like something you'd see in an art school. He's sitting on a stool with his arm over his head, looking to the side. One of those basic poses.

Despite how little he gets to draw him, Blindt is always taking inspiration from Delta. Delta is always so busy training that there's almost never time for them to spend on their own. Of course Blindt could just use a reference picture of Delta, but according to him, it's "not as real." Delta doesn't understand it, but he respects it.

A few minutes pass before Blindt finally places his brush down. He takes a few steps back, putting his hand on his chin while inspecting the painting. He shakes his head.

"I don't think I captured your energy correctly," Blindt says, tapping at his lip, "this painting of you feels a little too straightforward, but you're complex. It's a shame I wasn't able to capture that complexity here."

Delta sets his arm down, shifting on the hard stool. "Do you want to try again?"

Blindt hums. "I don't want to take up your entire day. You should go sleep like you wanted to." Blindt tilts his head. "Would it be creepy to paint you as you slept?"

Delta shrugs, getting up and stretching. "I think it would be considered romantic. Let's go."

Anything was better than that damned stool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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