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***4 hours after chapter 1***

I wake up in a bright room , seemingly only able to move my head.

'Why am I in a hospital bed ?'

I think to my self. I look down and see a tray of food right on my lap. There's a green apple, and milk. 'What In The abomination is this' I frown at the disappointing meal and try lifting my arm. It rises with low speed but then falls.

I sharply inhale feeling my eyes tingle and then I see multiple images play in my head all of them have one thing in common . A girl with green and black hair. I feel like I know her but I'm not too sure.

My daze I quickly broken when a grey haired woman walks into my room.

She smiles and says , "Hello there , my name is ms.D" . She takes a seat in a chair I didn't even Notice before And says.

"Are you hungry" . I think for a moment and then reply. "(...)". I Realize I can't talk so I nod my head (yes) . She narrow's her eyes at me , then writes something down in her notepad. She then speaks.

"OK so here's what we're going to do".She says while putting one leg over another. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want you to reply with this " . She says while handing me a half pink , half magenta note pad. I managed to grab the note book and pen and she begins.

"Question 1, tell me 6 Things you know about yourself." I frown while thinking then write .
I'm 14 years old , I have 3 dads and 1 mom , 2 people live in my head , I have a major crush on Japanese hero ingenium , and my favorite number 1 hero in American history is Stars and Stripes

I rip the paper off the notepad and hand it to her. She gives me a sus look then reads it, taking in all of the information then continues.

"Ok question 2", I watched as she walks over to the end of the bed and lifts up My blanket. then digs in her pocket and pulling out a small hammer. I give her a nervous look and she reassures me that everything should be fine.


I flinch in fear but then realize. I didn't feel anything . She then takes and feather and puts it on my foot , causing me to laugh . She sits back down and After writing something down she says. "I know what you're thinking , and Trust me , that's a good thing ."

"Ok last question then you can eat." I smile then realize , I'm clapping.

"Question 3 , Yurushite kuremasu ka?" before I could Process what she said I feel my face harden and mouth starts moving . Kesshite! , I say In a deeper than usual tone . She flinches but shakes it off as she begins to standing.

"I think we're done here. I've come up with the proper diagnosis for you." She writes something down on a paper , rips it and hands it to me.

*(quirk!: Keen Observation! , allows the user to come up with a proper diagnosis for what ever they desire after asking a few select questions. This Quirk is a descendent of a clairvoyants quirk)*

"oh and also, I'll send someone here , in about 20 minutes to check up on you" she leaves the room I read the words on the paper out loud In a low shaky voice.

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