So much going on

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After I found out I was pregnant everyday I was sick I would throw up and everything the maids would bring me food and I would always eat in bed and alicina was very concerned for me it was very sweet

The way alicina would look after me sent joy around me she would cuddle me when I need it and I would feel better when she is with me.

A few days later our wedding was here we both were excited since we woke up it was going to start at 3 so we got up quickly and started getting ready I had already picked out my dress

A few days later our wedding was here we both were excited since we woke up it was going to start at 3 so  we got up quickly and started getting ready I had already picked out my dress

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I curled my hair and did my makeup plus mother Miranda was with me helping me get ready

Me being very excited for this moment my life is getting closer to complete as I get married and almost have a kid of my own

As I was ready to walk down the aile

It was finally happening I was about to be married to lady dimitrescu

It's happening!!!!

"Y/n do you take alicina to be your wedding wife!"

"I do!..."

"Alicina do you take y/n to be your wedding wife?"

"I do!"

"You are now pronounced wife and wife you may kiss the bride"

Alicina grabbed me pulled me to her level and kissed me deeply and everyone was clapping, once she pulled away she said...

"Finally your my wife now I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"I can't wait either especially now since we're married we're gonna have more kids when I give birth!"

After the wedding once we were home I got into my night gown got in bed and alicina got in as well and we cuddled for the rest of the night!!!

OMG I CANT NOT BELIEVE WHAT I HAVE JUST WROTE but sadly the story is almost to an end only 2 more chapters left I feel bad if you guys want another Lady dimitrescu x reader just comment and also please go check out my other story's and to follow me for future story's!💞

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