Chapter 1: Self Control

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It's 4:30 in the morning and I have no idea what's keeping me awake. Maybe it's the smell of this cheap hotel room. Or the fact that It's been 3 months since I've been home and haven't heard from my family. My mom's usually busy running her company. My dad gets drunk and finds himself in a different woman's bed every night, but don't tell mom that, she's in denial. My twin sister is a bitch. You know they say twins are each other's everything. Well, I'm pretty sure I could die tomorrow and she wouldn't bat an eye. She'd probably turn my room into some shrine of hatred at the first moment she got. Like I said, I've been gone 3 months and no one has bothered to call. I called when I first left home back in August. No one seemed to care then either.

Honestly, my mom is the one who sent me off. Tried to send me to some bullshit ass retreat because, according to her, I don't know how to act and lack self control. That I think the world owes me something and that I'm selfish. I act just fine. I'm just tired of people always pushing me around and thinking that I'm some kind of rag doll. That's why I skipped out on the retreat after the first week of being there. I'm not about to let some prick tell me who I am and what I need to do to better myself. So now, I'm roaming the US on my own.

My dad sends me money every two weeks, so I use that to take buses where I need to go and find hotels to stay in for a week at a time. I managed to make it here to Rockton, IL from West Virginia. Haven't seen much, but anything is better than sitting up in the mountains singing stupid songs and sitting in silence because I'm not answering those stupid questions. No one cares about my favorite hobby, or color. We all just wanted to go home. Home for me is Concord, NC. Nothing really exciting there but eh oh well.

Not much else to know. I'm a hermit. I don't do anything. I just sit stuck in my thoughts for hours on end like I am right now. My brain works the night shift since I'm an insomniac. That's the real reason I can't sleep. That, and these guys won't shut the hell up about something that I can't care to listen to. I should tell them to keep it down, but I don't even want to get up. I'll just bang on the wall and maybe they'll get the hint.

It goes silent. Finally. Or so I thought. Not even 2 minutes later they're back to yelling again. I can't take this, my mind can't take this. They have got to stop.

I roll out of bed and make my way towards the door. As I open it, I hear one of the guys open their room door. Maybe they heard me coming out? Whatever. I don't mind giving them a piece of mine.

I step out of the threshold of the door and as I look down the hallway, I see one of the men step outside the room. He was about 6 feet tall, brown-haired, very muscular, and the sound of his voice shook the hallway. I'm starting to regret my decision of even getting out of bed. Men scare me in general. Even worse when they look like they could throw me across a room if I piss them off. I'm hoping it's not too late to turn around.

"I'm sorry." I hear him say underneath his breath after the door slams behind him. "We didn't mean to keep you awake." I turn back to him, "'s fine. I uh don't really sleep much anyway." We stand in silence for a split second, but in this second I can feel his eyes burning a hole through my soul. Like he can tell who I am without having me say a word. "You didn't happen to hear any of what we said did you?" he looks away and scratches his head. I look at him and smirk, "And if I did what are you gonna do? I mean whatever it was must have been worth hearing right? So you should just tell me." He darts his eyes back at me and gives me a look that would make an old lady want to clutch her purse. At this point, my heart is the purse. "I...I was just kidding. I was just trying to lighten the mood. I should uh...yeah um. I'm getting tired. Have a better night." I step back into my room and close the door.

There's not a lot of things that scare me, but a strong handsome man is one of them. At the same time, I despise men. So my mood can go from hot to cold in a split second when I'm dealing with them. I do wonder what it is they were arguing about and why he was so hostile about it. Probably better that I mind my business though. Chances are I'll never see that man again anyway.

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