Ch.34 Introductions

Start from the beginning

"Killian?" Posey called to him from the other side.

Kiara's eyes fluttered once and then twice.

Killian held his breath as he watched her lift her thick lashes.

"Kia..." the name fell out of his lips without him realizing it.

"Killian?" Posey's voice picked up. "What's going on?"

Kiara squinted against the harsh light in the room and groaned. She turned her head and tried to bury her face in the pillows.

"Posey..." Killian rose from the chair. "She's up."

"Kia?" Posey's voice cracked. "She's up? What's happening? I'm on my w-"

Killian didn't wait for her to finish. He dropped his phone and reached out for Kiara's hand.


Kiara opened her eyes and their gaze met. She pulled away from his touch and her brows knit together in great confusion.

"Hi..." Killian said, breathlessly watching the brown in those eyes he was in love with.

Kiara just started.

"I'm going to get the doctor," Killian said, touching the edge of her face. "You're okay. You're safe. I'm here, Kia."

Kiara's lips parted as she stared in confusion at the boy speaking to her with tears in his eyes. Killian reached back and pressed the button for the nurse as he began to help Kiara sit up. He was dying to pull her into his arms and hold her to make himself believe she was truly awake.

Rushed by the amount of times Killian pressed the call button, Piper and the nurses all ran up to the room. Clare heard the commission from the lawns and immediately portaled herself into the room.

"Killian, I'm going to have to ask you to step back," Piper said as she pulled on a fresh pair of gloves.

Killian didn't argue. He wanted all the procedures done as quickly as possible. His heart was beating so fast he knew Clare could feel it. His gaze flickered up and met her across the bed.

"Hi, Kiara," Piper said gently as she checked Kiara's eyes and then her pulse. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine..." Kiara looked down at where Piper's fingers felt her pulse.

"Any dizziness?"

Kiara shook her head.

"Take a deep breath for me," Piper placed her stethoscope behind the girl's back.

Clare and Killian wait impatiently as Tobias and Posey portaled into the room with Lila. Kiara looked up and Killian heard Posey let out a small sob.

"Piper?" Clare called to her sister.

"Almost done," Piper said, taking off the stethoscope. "Kiara, follow my finger with your eyes."

Kiara tore her gaze away from Posey and followed Piper's finger.

"So?" Tobias asked, taking a step forward.

"Everything looks fine," Piper turned to look at the god. "But don't take her home just yet. I would still like to keep her for obse-"

"Excuse me," Kiara's voice stopped Piper.

Everyone in the room turned to look at the girl. Clare held her breath as she watched the way Kiara's eyes bounced around.

"Yes, love?" Piper smiled.

Kiara's eyes lingered on Posey and the baby before she dragged her gaze to Tobias and then to Killian. She hesitated for a few seconds before gripping the blanket and pulling it a bit closer.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"At the palace," Piper said.

"Where is that?"

Piper tilted her head slightly, "In Romania...."

"How..." Kiara looked around once more. "How did I get here?"

With each question Kiara asked, Clare could see the light in Tobias eyes dim more and more. She couldn't read his emotions, but she knew walking into the room Tobias and Posey were both holding on to the hope that their daughter was still in there somewhere.

"You were hurt.." Piper said slowly. "Killian brought you to me."

Kiara frowned, "Who?"

Clare shut her eyes and dug her nails into her palm. Piper looked up as Killian stood beside her. His face was pale and lifeless.

"Killian," Piper motioned towards the boy.

Kiara's eyes flickered up. She stared at Killian with empty eyes and a blank expression on her face.

"Kiara," Piper gently touched the girl's hand. "What's my name?"

Kiara pulled her hand away, "I....I don't know."

Piper pulled back and looked at Clare. She arched her brow and silently asked her sister to provide some kind of an explanation.

Beside Clare, Tobias had fixed his eyes on the window. His jaw worked as he tried to keep his composure. His hand gripped Posey's hand tightly as the tall woman let the tears roll down her face. When no one in the room said anything, Piper turned back to Kiara.

"What's your name?" she asked.

Kiara opened her mouth but paused. She looked up at Killian and then back to Piper.

"I...." She struggled. "My name...."

Killian couldn't feel any of his body parts. He didn't know if he was standing or sitting, breathing or dying, laughing or crying...his mind was just numb.

"Yes," Piper nodded. "What is your name?"

"Kiara?" Kiara questioned.

Piper's face fell, "Who is this?"

Kiara looked up as Piper touched Killian's arm, "You said....Killian?"

Piper nodded, "Who is he to you?"

"To me?" Kiara asked.

Piper nodded once more, "Yes. Do you know him?"

"No," Kiara shook her head. "I....I don't know him."

"What about them?" Piper pointed to Posey and Tobias.

"I..." Kiara visibly became distressed. "I don't know who they are." 

Sorry it was short :/ 

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